Re: Aword of Thanks I Have successfully received HTTP STATUS CODE 200 from the helloworld vdp url

Regular Contributor

Aword of Thanks I Have successfully received HTTP STATUS CODE 200 from the helloworld vdp url

i have successfully received http status Ok

using my c# Code

kudos to Diana and all other team members

request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + GetBasicAuthHeader(userId, password));

this fixed the authentication for me

Pre Authenticate

request.PreAuthenticate = true;


Can Someone Help me convert this Word  helloworld in to x-pay-token

so that i can compare it with the value i generate

x-pay-token is my pain right now





Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Aword of Thanks I Have successfully received HTTP STATUS CODE 200 from the helloworld vdp url

Hi @ezamarichard,


Can you please let me know if you are receiving an error? If so, please send the response request of the error received and screenshot of the error.


Can you please elaborate on what’s painful about the x-pay-token? What is it that you are trying to do? What APIs are you interested in using for this business project? I’m interested to work with you to find out. Please tell me more and thanks for the kudos shout out to me, I can't get enough of it …




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