Hi, I have a question regarding the Error code response format. Each service comes with an OpenApi specification for errors but in some edge cases, a more general error might occur. I am thinking...
I am having trouble adding the path our test server "Domain and Path" in Outbound Configuration menu.Our DOMAIN is https://visadirecttest.peple.com.tr and we will use "v3/payouts/g...
Dear All,Thanks for having time to read this post ! I want to make international fund transfer using VISA API and looking for the series of API calls which handle:1. Security2. Compliance checks...
I was trying to hit the API for pullTransaction on sandbox, the response was getting correctly and clearly before, but now I am getting the reponse as combination of acquiringBin,cardAccepter.idCode,...
I have a question about the business errors VSE_ERROR_CRYPTOGRAPHY_ERROR and VSE_ERROR_INVALID_DATA.Initially, there was a problem with data encryption in the PAN Lifecycle endpoint, where VTS returne...