Re: VMSS MLE: API003 Backend Error - Orchestration couldn't complete

New Contributor

VMSS MLE: API003 Backend Error - Orchestration couldn't complete

Hello! I am working on my sandbox connection to the vmss /searchTerminatedMerchant endpoint at

I have successfully set up my 2-way SSL. I am working on setting up MLE. From what I can tell, I am properly encrypting the payload. After encrypting I keep it in the format of:



However when doing so, I receive the  API003 Backend Error - Orchestration couldn't complete error.


I am wondering if my correlation ID could be checked to indicate what I might be doing wrong. 

X-CORRELATION-ID -> 1696548774_593_739036553_b9f55w85_VDP_WS


Thank you!

Community Moderator

Re: VMSS MLE: API003 Backend Error - Orchestration couldn't complete

Hi, @Nik1.Thank you for reaching out! One of our agents will look into this and get back to you soon. Until then, if any community member knows a solution, feel free to share it here. 

New Contributor

Re: VMSS MLE: API003 Backend Error - Orchestration couldn't complete

Hi Jenn!


Just one short follow up. I am now getting a 502 bad gateway when I submit my request with the encrypted data. Here is the x-correlation-id: 1696691793_205_1649348096_-78585b5877_VDP_WS

And here is my body of my request:


Perhaps this can be helpful to the agent. Thank you!
Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: VMSS MLE: API003 Backend Error - Orchestration couldn't complete

Hi @Nik1


Please provide the following information: 

  1. Endpoint  
  2. Request Header 
  3. Request Body 
  4. Response Header (include the x-correlation-id) 
  5. Response Body 

Using SoapUI, you can find the x-correlation-id in the Raw Tab of the response header. 


To learn more about common Visa Developer error codes and how to resolve them, please navigate to our Visa Developer Error Codes page here -    





If you don't find an error code listed here, please refer to the API-specific error codes in its respective documentation pages.

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: VMSS MLE: API003 Backend Error - Orchestration couldn't complete

Hi @Nik1,


I ran a test and got a successful request/response payload for VMSS. Please see my request/response payload below. You'll need to enable Message Level Encryption, as well, by using the Key Id and download the MLE Public Key and MLE Private Key. Try to test again and share your result with us.



End Point
Method POST
{"searchTerminatedRequest": {
"terminatedRecordSearchCriteria": {
"legalName": "Snap Photoshop Ltd",
"webAddresses": [
"businessEmailAddress": "",
"address": {
"countryOrRegion": "AT",
"stateOrProvince": "CA",
"city": "St Albans",
"streetAddress": "80 Wood Street",
"zipOrPostalCode": "SA82GF"
"taxID": "GB123456788",
"businessRegistrationNumber": "452349600005",
"tradeOverInternet": false,
"merchantCategoryCodes": ["5411"],
"principals": [{
"passportNumber": "07043453",
"businessEmailAddress": "",
"driverLicenseNumber": "07043453",
"name": "Bill Smith",
"principalID": "07043454",
"residentIDOrNationalID": "07043453",
"SSN": "123-12-1235",
"businessPhoneNumber": "+861071111223"
"category": "0",
"businessPhoneNumbers": ["+861071111223"],
"DBAName": "Snap Photoshop Ltd"
"acquirerBID": "10033027",
"retroAlertIfNoMatch": false,
"globalSearch": true,
"acquirerCountryOrRegion": "AT"
"searchTerminatedResponse": {
"searchRequestRef": {
"terminatedRecordSearchCriteria": {
"legalName": "Snap Photoshop Ltd",
"webAddresses": [
"businessEmailAddress": "",
"address": {
"stateOrProvince": "CA",
"countryOrRegion": "AT",
"streetAddress": "80 Wood Street",
"city": "St Albans",
"zipOrPostalCode": "SA82GF"
"taxID": "GB123456788",
"businessRegistrationNumber": "452349600005",
"merchantCategoryCodes": ["5411"],
"tradeOverInternet": false,
"principals": [{
"passportNumber": "07043453",
"businessEmailAddress": "",
"driverLicenseNumber": "07043453",
"name": "Bill Smith",
"principalID": "07043454",
"residentIDOrNationalID": "07043453",
"businessPhoneNumber": "+861071111223",
"SSN": "123-12-1235"
"businessPhoneNumbers": ["+861071111223"],
"DBAName": "Snap Photoshop Ltd"
"searchRequestRefID": "8957785",
"acquirerBID": "10033027",
"globalSearch": true,
"acquirerCountryOrRegion": "AT"
"possibleMatches": {
"matchedRecords": [],
"totalCount": 0
"status": {
"statusDescription": "SUCCESS",
"statusCode": "API000"
Response Header
Status Code: 200
Server : nginx
Date : Thu, 19 Oct 2023 08:39:38 GMT
Content-Type : application/json
Content-Length : 1870
Connection : keep-alive
X-SERVED-BY : b9f55
X-CORRELATION-ID : 1697704777_662_1602825660_b9f55_VDP_WS
response-message-id : 268634b7-0c8b-4dd2-941b-f1f063501939
response-message-ts : 2023-10-19T08:39:38.069552836Z
X-AGS-Request-ID : v3:8651:sandbox:73c010:05fbd8297446371b09fa7fcc1c2a7b57
Cache-Control : no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
X-Frame-Options : SAMEORIGIN
X-XSS-Protection : 0
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Strict-Transport-Security : max-age=31536000;includeSubdomains
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Expires : -1
Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only : default-src 'self' https://* https://*;script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://* https://*;img-src 'self' https://* https://* https://*;style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://*;object-src https://* https://* data:;report-uri /logging/logCSPReport;
X-Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only : default-src 'self' https://* https://*;script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://* https://*;img-src 'self' https://* https://* https://*;style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://*;object-src https://* https://* data:;report-uri /logging/logCSPReport;
X-WebKit-CSP-Report-Only : default-src 'self' https://* https://*;script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://* https://*;img-src 'self' https://* https://* https://*;style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://*;object-src https://* https://* data:;report-uri /logging/logCSPReport;
X-XSS-Protection : 1; mode=block
X-Content-Type-Options : nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security : max-age=31536000;includeSubdomains;always




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Re: VMSS MLE: API003 Backend Error - Orchestration couldn't complete

Hi, I keep getting the same error,

I am encrypting the same payload that Diana Tran posted and I am getting API003 BackendErorr.

I am sending keyId in the header, application/json as Content-Type and Accept headers,   I am using this endpoint:

the payload: 

"{\"searchTerminatedRequest\": {\n" +
"\"terminatedRecordSearchCriteria\": {\n" +
"\"legalName\": \"Snap Photoshop Ltd\",\n" +
"\"webAddresses\": [\n" +
"\"\",\n" +
"\"\"\n" +
"],\n" +
"\"businessEmailAddress\": \"\",\n" +
"\"address\": {\n" +
"\"countryOrRegion\": \"AT\",\n" +
"\"stateOrProvince\": \"CA\",\n" +
"\"city\": \"St Albans\",\n" +
"\"streetAddress\": \"80 Wood Street\",\n" +
"\"zipOrPostalCode\": \"SA82GF\"\n" +
"},\n" +
"\"taxID\": \"GB123456788\",\n" +
"\"businessRegistrationNumber\": \"452349600005\",\n" +
"\"tradeOverInternet\": false,\n" +
"\"merchantCategoryCodes\": [\"5411\"],\n" +
"\"principals\": [{\n" +
"\"passportNumber\": \"07043453\",\n" +
"\"businessEmailAddress\": \"\",\n" +
"\"driverLicenseNumber\": \"07043453\",\n" +
"\"name\": \"Bill Smith\",\n" +
"\"principalID\": \"07043454\",\n" +
"\"residentIDOrNationalID\": \"07043453\",\n" +
"\"SSN\": \"123-12-1235\",\n" +
"\"businessPhoneNumber\": \"+861071111223\"\n" +
"}],\n" +
"\"category\": \"0\",\n" +
"\"businessPhoneNumbers\": [\"+861071111223\"],\n" +
"\"DBAName\": \"Snap Photoshop Ltd\"\n" +
"},\n" +
"\"acquirerBID\": \"10033027\",\n" +
"\"retroAlertIfNoMatch\": false,\n" +
"\"globalSearch\": true,\n" +
"\"acquirerCountryOrRegion\": \"AT\"\n" +
"}}\n" +
"Response\n" +
"{\n" +
"\"searchTerminatedResponse\": {\n" +
"\"searchRequestRef\": {\n" +
"\"terminatedRecordSearchCriteria\": {\n" +
"\"legalName\": \"Snap Photoshop Ltd\",\n" +
"\"webAddresses\": [\n" +
"\"\",\n" +
"\"\"\n" +
"],\n" +
"\"businessEmailAddress\": \"\",\n" +
"\"address\": {\n" +
"\"stateOrProvince\": \"CA\",\n" +
"\"countryOrRegion\": \"AT\",\n" +
"\"streetAddress\": \"80 Wood Street\",\n" +
"\"city\": \"St Albans\",\n" +
"\"zipOrPostalCode\": \"SA82GF\"\n" +
"},\n" +
"\"taxID\": \"GB123456788\",\n" +
"\"businessRegistrationNumber\": \"452349600005\",\n" +
"\"merchantCategoryCodes\": [\"5411\"],\n" +
"\"tradeOverInternet\": false,\n" +
"\"principals\": [{\n" +
"\"passportNumber\": \"07043453\",\n" +
"\"businessEmailAddress\": \"\",\n" +
"\"driverLicenseNumber\": \"07043453\",\n" +
"\"name\": \"Bill Smith\",\n" +
"\"principalID\": \"07043454\",\n" +
"\"residentIDOrNationalID\": \"07043453\",\n" +
"\"businessPhoneNumber\": \"+861071111223\",\n" +
"\"SSN\": \"123-12-1235\"\n" +
"}],\n" +
"\"businessPhoneNumbers\": [\"+861071111223\"],\n" +
"\"DBAName\": \"Snap Photoshop Ltd\"\n" +
"},\n" +
"\"searchRequestRefID\": \"8957785\",\n" +
"\"acquirerBID\": \"10033027\",\n" +
"\"globalSearch\": true,\n" +
"\"acquirerCountryOrRegion\": \"AT\"\n" +
"},\n" +
"\"possibleMatches\": {\n" +
"\"matchedRecords\": [],\n" +
"\"totalCount\": 0\n" +
"}\n" +

x-correlation-id: 1697810391_185_1592964504_-78585b5877b2_VDP_WS


Could you tell me what exactly is causing this?

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: VMSS MLE: API003 Backend Error - Orchestration couldn't complete

Hi @madamczyk,


I used the Visa Developer Playground tool to sandbox test but you're free to use any tool you'd like. Please follow the guides below for step-by-step instructions on how to sandbox test the API product. I've included the link to the guides below.


The first link is for Visa Developer Center Playground tool.

The second link is a general guide that eventually lets you choose the option to sandbox test with SOAPUI or Visa Developer Center Playground. Test again and share your result with us.


Visa Developer Center Playground 

Quick Start Guide for Developers



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