"errorMessage": "API Validation Error: 3001. Mandatory field 'localTransactionDateTime' is missin


"errorMessage": "API Validation Error: 3001. Mandatory field 'localTransactionDateTime' is missin

body request
"amount": "124.05",
"senderAddress": "901 Metro Center Blvd",
"localTransactionDateTime": "2016-11-17T00:39:13",
"pointOfServiceData": {
"panEntryMode": "90",
"posConditionCode": "00",
"motoECIIndicator": "0"
"recipientPrimaryAccountNumber": "4957030420210496",
"colombiaNationalServiceData": {
"addValueTaxReturn": "10.00",
"taxAmountConsumption": "10.00",
"nationalNetReimbursementFeeBaseAmount": "20.00",
"addValueTaxAmount": "10.00",
"nationalNetMiscAmount": "10.00",
"countryCodeNationalService": "170",
"nationalChargebackReason": "11",
"emvTransactionIndicator": "1",
"nationalNetMiscAmountType": "A",
"costTransactionIndicator": "0",
"nationalReimbursementFee": "20.00"
"cardAcceptor": {
"address": {
"country": "USA",
"zipCode": "94404",
"county": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA"
"idCode": "CA-IDCode-77765",
"name": "Visa Inc. USA-Foster City",
"terminalId": "TID-9999"
"senderReference": "",
"transactionIdentifier": "381228649430015",
"acquirerCountryCode": "840",
"acquiringBin": "408999",
"retrievalReferenceNumber": "412770451018",
"senderCity": "Foster City",
"senderStateCode": "CA",
"systemsTraceAuditNumber": "451018",
"senderName": "Mohammed Qasim",
"businessApplicationId": "AA",
"settlementServiceIndicator": "9",
"merchantCategoryCode": "6012",
"transactionCurrencyCode": "USD",
"recipientName": "rohan",
"senderCountryCode": "124",
"sourceOfFundsCode": "05",
"senderAccountNumber": "4653459515756154"
body response
Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: "errorMessage": "API Validation Error: 3001. Mandatory field 'localTransactionDat

Hi @Moevy,


Please provide information on the below:

1. Endpoint
2. Request Header
3. Request Body
4. Response Header (include the x-correlation-id)
5. Response Body

Using SoapUI, you can find the x-correlation-id in the Raw Tab of the response header.



Diana H.

Was your question answered? Don't forget to click on "Accept as Solution" to help other devs find the answer to the same question.

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: "errorMessage": "API Validation Error: 3001. Mandatory field 'localTransactionDat

Hi @Moevy,


For further investigation by our engineering team, please submit your answers to the questions that I've asked in my previous forum post to you.


Diana H.

Was your question answered? Don't forget to click on "Accept as Solution" to help other devs find the answer to the same question.

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: "errorMessage": "API Validation Error: 3001. Mandatory field 'localTransactionDat

Hi @Moevy,


I haven't received a response from you, hence, I'll take you off my contact list. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the community if you have questions. 


Diana H.

Was your question answered? Don't forget to click on "Accept as Solution" to help other devs find the answer to the same question.