Re: Facing issue in foreign exchange rates API

Occasional Visitor

Got Error while fetching offers data through offers API

Hii, I tried to fetch offers details using offers API and got this response



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What could be the possible reasons for this response
Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Got Error while fetching offers data through offers API

Hi @blaster777,


Please provide the following information for further assistance with the error.


  1. Endpoint  
  2. Request Header 
  3. Request Body 
  4. Response Header (include the x-correlation-id) 
  5. Response Body 

Using SoapUI, you can find the x-correlation-id in the Raw Tab of the response header.




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Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Got Error while fetching offers data through offers API

Hi @blaster777,


Please let me know if you still need help with the error. If so, please provide the information that I requested of you below. If the error is fixed, please let me know so I can take you off my contact list. 



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Occasional Visitor

Re: Got Error while fetching offers data through offers API

Hii DianaTran-Yee


I'm Sorry for not replying to your last comment. Actually the error was resolved yesterday. You can close this issue now.


Thanking you

Aayush Bansal



Occasional Visitor

Facing issue in foreign exchange rates API


I'm facing one more issue. My company has the production access. I was facing issue in the offers API, but that issue is resolved now. Now I'm facing issue in foreign exchange rates API. 


I was using the x-pay-token method for generating the response.




var timestamp = Math.floor( / 1000);
var resourcePath = "";
var queryParams = "apikey=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
var sharedSecret = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
var postBody = "";
var preHashString = timestamp + resourcePath + queryParams + postBody;
var crypto = require('crypto');
var hashString = crypto.createHmac('SHA256', sharedSecret).update(preHashString).digest('hex');
var xPayToken = 'xv2:' + timestamp + ':' + hashString;


This was the code for generating the x-pay-token.

I want to ask that, what values should I fill in the variables resourcePath and postBody.


Here is the request body :-

  • "initiatingPartyId": 1002,
  • "rateProductCode": "BANK",
  • "destinationCurrencyCode": "USD",
  • "sourceCurrencyCode": "EUR",
  • "quoteIdRequired": true
This request body must be filled in the variable postbody, but I'm unable to fill it.
Please let me know how to fill this value in the variable postbody.
Please reply to my query as soon as possible.
Thanking you,
Aayush Bansal
Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Facing issue in foreign exchange rates API

Hi @blaster777,


Please send this problem to and include the region you are from. A representative from Production Support will reach out to you for further assistance.  



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Regular Visitor

Re: Got Error while fetching offers data through offers API

The possible reasons for the response could be incorrect API endpoint, authentication issues, or server error.