Re: Test Question

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Test Question

Me gustaría saber como obtener las credenciales para producción, ya fue aprobado mi proyecto y en la opción de credenciales dice "en proceso de creación" pero me gustaria saber si debo hacer algo o solo espero a que se habiliten solas, gracias
Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Test Question

Hi @Febralia,


Generally, after you submit the Going Live request, it gets reviewed by our product team. There is no set timeline on how long it takes for the product team to review the request, because the request is reviewed case by case. I do not know if your Going Live request is approved or not, because additional information is needed from you to check further. Please know that once the product team approves the Going Live request, you will be provided with a set of instructions for you to follow. 


If you would like to request an update on your Going Live request, please submit an email inquiry to






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