Hello,I am seeing below issues from the postman with the api call "https://sandbox.api.visa.com/pav/v1/cardvalidation". This api is MLE Mandatory. I have imported the cert.pem and ke...
Hello, I am trying to implement MLE on the visa api calls with x-pay token. But getting the same response every time.{ responseStatus: { status: 401, code: '9159', severity: 'ERROR', message: 'To...
Getting error when trying to hit the enroll card API, I am using the Java sample code that is provided in the project asset.I read the README provided and added most of the details asked for, but I am...
I'm just testing several ways to call VisaDirect and when sending the request with MLE, I'm getting the error: Message has failed validation: encData: Invalid content found starting with element...
Team, Below is the code mentioned in the article https://developer.visa.com/pages/encryption_guide for decrypting . -------static class EncryptionUtils {private static final String BEG...