Hello,I am having an issue when trying to call the Alias Resolve API from Postman for testing as same I need to implement in my Project with VISA.I did payload encryption as it is done on the example...
I am trying to hit the `/vsps/add/merchant` endpoint of Visa's VSPS API's. I am not sure if Im doing this correctly, but to build the connection, I am chaining the project certificate under my project...
Hi guys! Thanks for read my problem. I invoked https://sandbox.api.visa.com/vdp/helloworld sucessfully with the certificates and i got the proper message:{ "timestamp": "20...
Dear Visa team, I'm encountering an issue with the decryption of MLE response.I have used the below Java code MLEResponse mleResponse = getMleResponse(encryptedResponseStr);String encData =...
Hi,We are getting a NPPS012 error in the response when working with MLE. Below are the details of the test. Request:{"encData":"eyJlbmMiOiJBMTI4R0NNIiwiaWF0IjoxNzE1MDc1OTQ0MzE5LCJhbGciOiJSU...