Getting error when trying to hit the enroll card API, I am using the Java sample code that is provided in the project asset.I read the README provided and added most of the details asked for, but I am...
I'm just testing several ways to call VisaDirect and when sending the request with MLE, I'm getting the error: Message has failed validation: encData: Invalid content found starting with element...
Team, Below is the code mentioned in the article for decrypting . -------static class EncryptionUtils {private static final String BEG...
Team, Below is the code, getting padding exception while decrypting . ------- code -----------------public class Test2 {private static final String BEGIN_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY = "-----BEGIN RSA PR...
Good day!I am trying to implement Message Level Encryption and testing with the keys and key_id. I am facing this issue, while testing to perform an encryption and decryption using the keys and key_id...