Hi there!I wonder to get test data for Request To Pay (RTP) feature, Request To Pay Outbound and Request Control.I don't have button "Test data" (next to Credentials) as I've noticed that in other que...
Hello,We are currently working on the implementation of the vts provisionedTokens API.No matter the endpoint we use (vts/provisionedTokens, vts/panEnrollments) we always got the following error:```jso...
Dear Support Team, I am encountering a 403 Forbidden error when making a request to the Totals Inquiry API in the Visa Global ATM Locator (Sandbox Environment). However, I can successfully make r...
Hello, I have MLE configured and working (checked on other endpoint)Trying to call https://sandbox.api.visa.com/vbs/dapi/v1/transaction_enhancedrequest options are: const options: any =...
Estimados, buen diaPueden indicarme como armar una prueba en POSTMAN para la API cuya URL es https://sandbox.api.visa.com/cdsapi/commercial/v1/ob/starterdata Dado que con los datos parámetros que...