How to get public key in Google pay integration with Direct token specification approach

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How to get public key in Google pay integration with Direct token specification approach

I am trying to integrate google pay in my android app. I want to integrate google pay without any payment gateway in between (means DIRECT approach rather than PAYMENT_GATWAY token specification). I found the DIRECT method integration code on the official site. In that google asks for protocol version and public key as a parameter and below I found that I can get my public key in my Google Pay Developer Profile. I searched for Google Pay Developer account but unable to found public key Anyone can help me to get the public key for google pay DIRECT integration?



private static JSONObject getTokenizationSpecification() {
  JSONObject tokenizationSpecification = new JSONObject();
  tokenizationSpecification.put("type", "DIRECT");
      new JSONObject()
          .put("protocolVersion", "ECv2")
          .put("publicKey", "replace with public_key"));

  return tokenizationSpecification;



How to get public key in Google pay integration with Direct token specification approach telldunkin


Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: How to get public key in Google pay integration with Direct token specification approach

Hey @RecordTadpole22,


If you're interested in payments, please see this link for our payment methods APIs and let us know which one fits your use case -




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