Now our company using Transaction API in production. When we want to update alert's status to 'GOOD' using the following script alert updates and everything is OK:
{ 'method': 'POST',
'appUserId': 'hcbvrmws1',
'Feedback': [{ 'seqNum': '0001',
'alertIdentifier' : { 'primaryAccountNumber': 'some card number'},
'alertStatus': { 'status': 'GOOD'}
But when we want to update alert's status to 'FRAUD' using the following script, it gives an error:
{ 'method': 'POST',
'appUserId': 'hcbvrmws1',
'Feedback': [{ 'seqNum': '0001',
'alertIdentifier' : { 'primaryAccountNumber': 'some card number'},
'alertStatus': {'confirmFraud': 'Y',
'fraudReason': 'Miscellaneous/Account takeover',
'status': 'FRAUD'}
ERROR: 'code': 'E-100045', 'message': 'Invalid Fraud Reason. Alert Status object must contain valid fraudReason if status is Fraud.'
I don't understand, fraudReason exists, but you can't see it.
Could you please help me out with this problem?
X-CORRELATION-ID: 1605697532_662_329784050_l55p046_VDP_WS
Hi @vrmapihcb,
Please try below
"fraudReason": "Miscellaneous / Account takeover",
Please note that there is a space before and after the slash.