Issues with Visa In App Push Provisioning SDK and React Native -- iOS Module Creation

Issues with Visa In App Push Provisioning SDK and React Native -- iOS Module Creation

Hi Community,


I've been working through the VISA Digital Enablement SDK React-Native implementation guide to create iOS native modules so that we can use push provisioning to add our users cards to their apple wallet in our app -- we use React Native 0.68. I'm completing this project with our banking-as-a-service provider Unit.

I've added all the necessary frameworks and have copied the sample code for Objective-C for both a:

  • PushProvisioningModule.h file, and it's implementation in

Both of which are living in iOS > project name (where AppDelegate lives). All of the SDK's frameworks (for example, VisaInAppModuleCore.xcframework) reside here as well.  These frameworks are all embedded & signed.

However, there are quite a few errors that pop up at compile time in my implementation file:

13 | RCTResponseSenderBlock successCallback;
14 | RCTResponseSenderBlock errorCallback;
> 15 | VisaPushProvisioningInterface *provisioningInterface;
| ^ unknown type name 'VisaPushProvisioningInterface'
16 | NSString *encPayload;
17 | }

It seems that the VisaPushProvisioningInterface type isn't recognized? Is there any clear reason why this would be the case?

Here's my implementation of the header file:


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <React/RCTBridgeModule.h>
#import <VisaPushProvisioning/VisaPushProvisioning.h>
@interface PushProvisioningModule : NSObject <RCTBridgeModule>

and of the implementation file,

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "PushProvisioningModule.h"
@implementation PushProvisioningModule{
RCTResponseSenderBlock successCallback;
RCTResponseSenderBlock errorCallback;
VisaPushProvisioningInterface *provisioningInterface;
NSString *encPayload;
#pragma mark - Constants
#pragma mark - Module Interface Methods
// SDK Initialize
RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(launchInitialize: (NSString *) appID environment: (NSString *) environment  errorCallback: (RCTResponseSenderBlock) initErrCallback callback: (RCTResponseSenderBlock) initCallback){
 successCallback = initCallback;
errorCallback = initErrCallback;
NSString *myString = [[BaseService alloc] getMyString];
 VPInitRequest *request = [[VPInitRequest alloc] initWithEnvironment:environment appId:appID otherInfo:NULL];  provisioningInterface = [[VisaPushProvisioningInterface alloc] initWithRequest:request listener:self];  [provisioningInterface initialize];
// Get Eligible Wallets
RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(launchGetWallets: (NSString *) encryptedPayload walletErrCallback:  (RCTResponseSenderBlock) walletErrCallback walletCallback: (RCTResponseSenderBlock) walletCallback){  successCallback = walletCallback;
errorCallback = walletErrCallback;
VPSupportedWalletRequest *request = [[VPSupportedWalletRequest alloc] initWithEncryptedPayload:  encryptedPayload];
[provisioningInterface getSupportedWalletsWithRequest:request];
// Start Card Provisioning
RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(launchStartCardProvisioning: (NSString *) walletDescription walletCode: (NSString *)  walletCode provisioningErrCallback: (RCTResponseSenderBlock) provisioningErrCallback provisioningCallback:  (RCTResponseSenderBlock) provisioningCallback){
successCallback = provisioningCallback;
errorCallback = provisioningErrCallback;
VPSupportedWalletCode code = VPSupportedWalletCodeAppleWallet;
if ([walletCode isEqualToString: APPLE_WALLET_CODE]) {
code = VPSupportedWalletCodeAppleWallet;
VPCardProvisioningRequest *request = [[VPCardProvisioningRequest alloc] initWithWalletCode:code];  dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self ->provisioningInterface startCardProvisioningWithRequest:request
#pragma mark - VisaPushProvisioningListener Delegate methods
 // Initialization success result:
-(void)initializationSuccessWithPushProvisioningInterface:(VisaPushProvisioningInterface  *)pushProvisioningInterface response:(VPInitResponse *)response {
successCallback(@[[self getVPInitResponseDictionary:response]]);
// Initialization failure result:
-(void)initializationFailureWithPushProvisioningInterface:(VisaPushProvisioningInterface  *)pushProvisioningInterface error:(VPError *)error {
NSMutableDictionary *dictError = [self getVPErrorDictionary:error];
errorCallback(@[[self getStringFromDictionary:dictError]]);
// getSupportedWallets success result:
-(void)supportedWalletSuccessWithPushProvisioningInterface:(VisaPushProvisioningInterface  *)pushProvisioningInterface response:(VPSupportedWalletResponse *)response {
successCallback(@[[self getVPSupportedWalletResponse: response]]);
// getSupportedWallets failure result:
-(void)supportedWalletFailureWithPushProvisioningInterface:(VisaPushProvisioningInterface  *)pushProvisioningInterface error:(VPError *)error {
NSMutableDictionary *dictError = [self getVPErrorDictionary:error];
errorCallback(@[[self getStringFromDictionary:dictError]]);
// startCardProvisioning success result:
-(void)cardProvisioningSuccessWithPushProvisioningInterface:(VisaPushProvisioningInterface  *)pushProvisioningInterface response:(VPCardProvisioningResponse *)response {
successCallback(@[[self getVPCardProvisioningResponse:response]]);
// startCardProvisioning failure result:
-(void)cardProvisioningFailureWithPushProvisioningInterface:(VisaPushProvisioningInterface  *)pushProvisioningInterface error:(VPError *)error {
NSMutableDictionary *dictError = [self getVPErrorDictionary:error];
errorCallback(@[[self getStringFromDictionary:dictError]]);
// To export a module named PushProvisioningModule

And here are the frameworks we've got (as Unit provided via the Push Provisioning 3.0.1 iOS SDK)

Screen Shot 2022-10-03 at 10.46.37 AM.png


Re: Issues with Visa In App Push Provisioning SDK and React Native -- iOS Module Creation

A further detail, when I take a look at the framework's header files I see that VisaPushProvisioning.h seems incomplete. Is there a step here not mentioned in the guide that I need to take?

I didn't see any reference to the comment at the end of the file here while completing the set up guide. Is there something I'm missing?


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#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

//! Project version number for VisaPushProvisioning.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT double VisaPushProvisioningVersionNumber;

//! Project version string for VisaPushProvisioning.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char VisaPushProvisioningVersionString[];

// In this header, you should import all the public headers of your framework using statements like #import <VisaPushProvisioning/PublicHeader.h>



Re: Issues with Visa In App Push Provisioning SDK and React Native -- iOS Module Creation

To see if it would resolve any of these issues, I've now instead tried going to swift way (the guide provides instructions to follow objective-c or swift implementation).


When pursuing a Swift implementation, I noticed that I was getting this error:

Failed to build module 'VisaPushProvisioning'; this SDK is not supported by the compiler (the SDK is built with 'Apple Swift version 5.3.2 (swiftlang-1200.0.45 clang-1200.0.32.28)', while this compiler is 'Apple Swift version 5.6.1 (swiftlang- clang-1316.0.20.12)'). Please select a toolchain which matches the SDK.

Per this stack overflow thread, it sounds like the Visa team may need to set a Build for Distribution setting to true?

I'm using the 3.0.1 SDK in case there is a later version available that I don't have access to?

Community Moderator

Re: Issues with Visa In App Push Provisioning SDK and React Native -- iOS Module Creation

Thank you for reaching out, @DevinDeveloper! An agent is looking into this for you and will get back to you soon. Until then, if any community members know a solution, feel free to respond here. -Jenn

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Issues with Visa In App Push Provisioning SDK and React Native -- iOS Module Creation

Hi @DevinDeveloper


There is a V3.3.0;  to be able to assist you further, please submit an inquiry to




Re: Issues with Visa In App Push Provisioning SDK and React Native -- iOS Module Creation

Thanks Illana, 

I'll follow up with Unit to get a more recent version -- hopefully that resolve my issue here, but I'll follow up in this thread if not.

Appreciate the help!

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Issues with Visa In App Push Provisioning SDK and React Native -- iOS Module Creation

Hi @DevinDeveloper


I have been notified that the most up to date version for the iOS React Native Implementation Guide is v.3.0.1., so you are using the correct version.


The v3.3.0 that I referred to was for the SDK files on Visa Developer Portal.


I have privately messaged you asking for more information to ensure your issue is taken care of!


