OCT best practices

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OCT best practices

Hi all,


Question regarding best practices for the OCT flow:


Before the actual OCT request is sent the following check would be done:


1. Fund Transfer Attributes Inquiry (FTAI) API request is sent to check if the OCT is allowed for the card.
2. If #1 is success the next step would be doing a Payment Account Validation API 'cardvalidation' to check if the OCT transaction will be successful?


We are not sure about step #2 if that makes sense for the OCT flow or if it would be enough to do only step #1


Any thoughts or guidelines regarding this?

Thanks and Best Regards,


Re: OCT best practices

@jenn_kh could we kindly ask you to have a look at the question above when you have a moment?


Thanks and Best Regards,


Community Moderator

Re: OCT best practices

Hi, @RH. We apologize for the delay. An agent is looking into this and will get back to you with a potential solution. Until then, if anyone else has any ideas to share please jump in to help Ragnar. Thank you! -Jenn


Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: OCT best practices

Hi @RH,


I've asked the product team to advise on your query. I'll get back soon. 



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Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: OCT best practices

Hi @RH,


To answer your question, the Funds Transfer Attributes Inquiry API and the Payment Account Validation API solve different use cases.


The Payment Account Validation (PAV) API is used to check if the account is in good standing or it is used for account verification primarily. You would only use PAV if you were interested in validating that an account is active/in good standing prior to sending an authorization. You can optionally check different attributes (AVS, ANI, CVV2), but it's always with the intention of pre-validating the account before a financial transaction is initiated. Here's the link to the Payment Account Validation documentation here: https://developer.visa.com/capabilities/pav 


The Funds Transfer Attributes Inquiry API is used to check if the card can do OCT and AFT. The Funds Transfer Attributes Inquiry API will provide eligibility for OCT and AFT for the underlying PAN. But that doesn't mean that the account is active and in good standing. For information on this, please refer to its API Reference page using this link here: https://developer.visa.com/capabilities/paai/reference#tag/Funds-Transfer-Attributes-Inquiry-API/ope... 



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Re: OCT best practices

Thanks @API_Products for good reply : )