Retrieving financial settlement info via API

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Retrieving financial settlement info via API

I was wondering if anyone had any experience pulling in chargeback information (similar to what is described in the Query.API for Visa Direct) can be done with any other API?

Please advise.

Thanks in advance!

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Retrieving financial settlement info via API

Hi @tsponsler,


Can you please provide your use case so that I can provide you with further assistance? Also, can you please let me know the APIs that you're interested in using for your project?
Please check our website for specific APIs relevant to your business case.
Since you're interested in chargebacks, please see the below APIs that deal with chargebacks as they could be a good fit for your use case.
Visa Merchant Purchase Inquiry -
VMPI enables Visa Merchants the ability to respond to cardholder inquiries around unrecognized transactions PRIOR to a chargeback/dispute by providing relevant supplemental merchant information, in close to real-time.
Merchant Measurement -
One of the key features are to enhance analytic services with metrics on sales performance, chargebacks and customers. For example, by using an aggregated and deidentified transaction dataset, you can compare sales growth and chargeback performance.
Visa Checkout -
Can process chargebacks.
CyberSource Payments -
Chargeback fees. When customers dispute charges to their accounts, you can incur chargebacks. A chargeback occurs when a charge on a customer’s account is reversed. Your merchant bank removes the money from your account and could charge you a fee for the chargeback.
Visa Direct -
The Reports API provides reporting capabilities such as transaction reconciliation data in the API response. The data needed for reconciliation includes both push (OCT) and pull (AFT) transaction details and any exceptions such as chargebacks and reversals. This data is provided to allow you to reconcile the transactions sent by your systems with what was processed through Visa and may be used solely for such purposes.
The Query API allows service providers to query in real-time the processing status of Visa Direct (Account Funding and Original Credit) transactions as well as other related transactions that are part of the Visa Direct suite of transactions (Reversals, Adjustments, Chargebacks and Re-presentments).
VisaNet Data Services -
Chargeback Reason Code: Lists all of the BASE II chargeback reason codes.




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Regular Visitor

Re: Retrieving financial settlement info via API

We would like to programmatically read in the chargeback information from the Visa Financial Reconciliation Report and use it to automatically update the dispute information on our core.  This will save time because currently our agents manually go through the report and manually update the core.

We can easily read an electronic version of the report, but were wondering if we could gather this same report data could be gathered via API?

Thank you!

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Retrieving financial settlement info via API

Hey @tsponsler,


Can you please confirm which API you are interested in using for your project? After you let me know, I'll check to see if that API can do what you are asking for.


Please check our website for specific APIs relevant to your business case.




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