Re: VROL API RTSI (MTE2) implementatiion : Transaction Inquiry call expiry error

Occasional Visitor

VROL API RTSI (MTE2) implementatiion : Transaction Inquiry call expiry error

During our testing for implementation around RTSI, we came across an error received from Visa API call that seems to indicate that the initial call (TransInquiry) we make when a new Visa API test case is created has an expiry date attached to it.

The case was created on 6/02 and that’s when the initial 3 calls we successfully run ( SubmitTransInquiry, GetTransInquiryDetails and GetTransactionDetails).

However, when we used this case for the end to end test for create dispute cycle, and first run InitiateDisputeFromTrasnaction call we received the following error:

"The Transaction Inquiry results have expired and are no longer available.  Please re-run the Transaction Inquiry.”



Can you kindly provide info as per the expiry timeframes for the TransInquiry calls?


Community Moderator

Re: VROL API RTSI (MTE2) implementatiion : Transaction Inquiry call expiry error

Hi @ssaloniki, Thank you for reaching out. An agent will get back to you soon. Until then, if any community member knows a solution, feel free to reply in this thread.

Occasional Visitor

Re: VROL API RTSI (MTE2) implementatiion : Transaction Inquiry call expiry error

thank you, we would appreciate any help on this issue