Visa B2B 500 internal server error


Visa B2B 500 internal server error

I use visa b2b for test and firstly it works but now it send me this error, what must I do? debug: {body: {responseStatus: {status: 0, severity: "ERROR", message: "Internal server error", info: ""}},…} body: {responseStatus: {status: 0, severity: "ERROR", message: "Internal server error", info: ""}} responseStatus: {status: 0, severity: "ERROR", message: "Internal server error", info: ""} info: "" message: "Internal server error" severity: "ERROR" status: 0 errors: [] origial_body_data: {,…} creditorAccountNumber: "08080088" creditorAgentBid: "43214321" debtorAccountNumber: "07070077" debtorAgentBid: "12341234" endToEndID: "BD9ISCA5KT0XXIQSRLQXF7S5L5JBG4KQY6P" instructedAmount: 15 instructedCurrency: "USD" paymentPurpose: "Test" structuredRemittance: [{invoiceNotes: "Payment as agreed", invoiceNumber: "123", poNumber: "321", partialPayment: false}] 0: {invoiceNotes: "Payment as agreed", invoiceNumber: "123", poNumber: "321", partialPayment: false} invoiceNotes: "Payment as agreed" invoiceNumber: "123" partialPayment: false poNumber: "321" transactionID: "BD9ISCA5KT0XXIQSRLQXF7S5L5JBG4KQY6P" unstructuredRemittance: "test"

Re: Visa B2B 500 internal server error

Header Response 


0"Accept: application/json"

1: "Content-Type: application/json

2: "Authorization:Basic NUZFTjVQWjRKMDNHNjlWMEpUS08yMUFCYlBYbG93MFA4Ry1MN1dwWVh1UVhuRm56UTo4aHp0Wk82RTR5ejFHN2JGNTl2Qw=="

3: "Content-Length: 461"

Community Moderator

Re: Visa B2B 500 internal server error

Thank you for reaching out, @icodewp96 ! An agent is looking for a solution for you and will get back with you shortly! If any community members know a solution, please feel free to respond in this thread. - Cathy

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Visa B2B 500 internal server error

Hello @icodewp96,


Please share the answers to the questions below for investigation of the error.

1. Endpoint
2. Request Header
3. Request Body
4. Response Header (include the x-correlation-id)
5. Response Body

Using SoapUI, you can find the x-correlation-id in the Raw Tab of the response header.



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Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Visa B2B 500 internal server error

Hi @icodewp96,


Do you still need help with the error? If so, please answer my questions in the previous forum post I wrote to you. 



Was your question answered? Don't forget to click on "Accept as Solution" to help other devs find the answer to the same question.

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Visa B2B 500 internal server error

Hi @icodewp96,


I haven't receive a reply from you, hence, I'll take you off my contact list. Please reach out to the community if you have questions and someone will be happy to help. 



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