Hello, we are trying to send a payment, but - Payment not supported as per current network rules/configuration -error occurred.Please find below Request/Response :
"chargeBearer": "DEBT",
"structuredRemittance": [
"invoiceNotes": "Payment as agreed",
"invoiceNumber": "123",
"poNumber": "321",
"partialPayment": false
"creditorName": "LEGEND İNC",
"debtorAddress": "Baki shah",
"transactionID": "AVRPR2905202408051687247",
"instructedCurrency": "USD",
"instructedAmount": "1",
"creditorIBAN": null,
"intermediaryAgentBic": "AAAARSBGXXX",
"creditorAccountNumber": "501017362777",
"debtorName": " LAB TEST QSC ",
"endToEndID": "AVRPR2905202408051687247",
"creditorAddress": "988 PACKER WAY,SPARKS NV 89431 USA",
"debtorIBAN": "AZ20AVRA40160009780000025285",
"creditorAgentBic": "BOFAUS3NXXX",
"debtorAgentBic": "AVRAAZ22XXX"
{"errorCode":400,"errorResponse":{"responseList":[{"reasonCode":"AG03","reasonDesc":"Payment not supported as per current network rules/configuration"}]}}
Kindly ask you to assist on this matter.Thanks in advance
Hi @Alim, Thank you for your question. One of our agents will look into this and get back to you soon. Until then, if any community member knows a solution, please feel free to reply to this thread.
Hey @Alim,
Please share the information below for investigation of the error.
1. End Point
2. Request Header
3. Request Body
4. Response Header (include the x-correlation-id)
5. Response Body
You can find the x-correlation-id in the response header.