How to add "Visa payment" method to online book-shop?


How to add "Visa payment" method to online book-shop?

I am making a web-site for my friend who wrote several books, and we want to make it possible to sell those e-books on our website. I've tried here in Ukraine two payment systems - WayForPay and PrivatBank's LiqPay - tried adding buttons to make payments through these systems online, but they told that they require a seller to be "physical person-enterpreneur" or something like that, meaning one has to pay extra taxes monthly etc. So for us it is not acceptable as we are not enterpreneurs, we just want to sell those books. Thus we decided to try sell directly using Visa payment.


I've seen on some sites (like for paying for mobile, internet etc) that I can simply enter 16 digits of card-number (be it Visa or Mastercard, no matter), date (month/year), and secret 3-digits Card Verification Value (CVV) from back-side of bank-card, and this works fine. I want to add similar payment to our e-shop. 


First question is about MasterCard cards. Does Visa payment support MasterCards? I mean, if say, buyers will input his MasterCard number (16-digits, date, CVC-code), will such card be accepted through this Visa system to accept payments to Visa-card, attached to online-shop? 

And similar question is, is it possible to attach MasterCard for accepting payments, but to pay using Visa card? Or payment/selling is only possible when both buyer and seller have Visa cards? (Well, if MasterCards are not acccepted, it's not big problem, but still reduces possibilities).


Next, I'ld like to ask how to add Visa payment method to our book-shop? I am using C# ( for website. I've downloaded C# code from (JWS JWE Sample Code - C Sharp) but I have no idea how to attach this to website. I understand that there is something related to encryption, but there should be something like personal unique API-key etc, so that is attached to our shop, and somehow I have to input somewhere our Visa card number erc, so it is attached to Visa-API-key etc, so that it is all activated, and thus when user clicks "Pay" on the site (after filling all the data like bank card number, date, CVC code etc, and selecteing what he is going to buy) so that this data of who is paying and which amount he pays for what good etc is transferred to Visa server, and after successful transaction there should be something like call-back etc - some response from Visa server to our book-shop giving us notice that payment is OK (or whatever is status of payment). 


Please, help to understand what I have to do to make this Visa-payment possible on our online shop.


Thank you in advance



Community Moderator

Re: How to add "Visa payment" method to online book-shop?

Hi @Indubhushan,

Thank you for reaching out. One of our agents is looking into this and will get back to you soon. Until then, if any community member knows a solution, please feel free to reply to this thread.

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: How to add "Visa payment" method to online book-shop?

Hi @Indubhushan,


Please visit the Browse All Product Documentation page and on the left side menu under Capabilities you can filter by Payment Methods by checking its checkbox.



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Re: How to add "Visa payment" method to online book-shop?

@Indubhushan wrote:

I am making a web-site for my friend who wrote several books, and we want to make it possible to sell those e-books on our website. I've tried here in Ukraine two payment systems - WayForPay and PrivatBank's LiqPay - tried adding buttons to make payments through these systems online, but they told that they require a seller to be "physical person-enterpreneur" or something like that, meaning one has to pay extra taxes monthly etc. So for us it is not acceptable as we are not enterpreneurs, we just want to sell those books. Thus we decided to try sell directly using Visa payment.


I've seen on some sites (like for paying for mobile, internet etc) that I can simply enter 16 digits of card-number (be it Visa or Mastercard, no matter), date (month/year), and secret 3-digits Card Verification Value (CVV) from back-side of bank-card, and this works fine. I want to add similar payment to our e-shop. 


First question is about MasterCard cards. Does Visa payment support MasterCards? I mean, if say, buyers will input his MasterCard number (16-digits, date, CVC-code), will such card be accepted through this Visa system to accept payments to Visa-card, attached to online-shop? 

And similar question is, is it possible to attach MasterCard for accepting payments, but to pay using Visa card? Or payment/selling is only possible when both buyer and seller have Visa cards? (Well, if MasterCards are not acccepted, it's not big problem, but still reduces possibilities).


Next, I'ld like to ask how to add Visa payment method to our book-shop? I am using C# ( for website. I've downloaded C# code from (JWS JWE Sample Code - C Sharp) but I have no idea how to attach this to website. I understand that there is something related to encryption, but there should be something like personal unique API-key etc, so that is attached to our shop, and somehow I have to input somewhere our Visa card number erc, so it is attached to Visa-API-key etc, so that it is all activated, and thus when user clicks "Pay" on the site (after filling all the data like bank card number, date, CVC code etc, and selecteing what he is going to buy) so that this data of who is paying and which amount he pays for what good etc is transferred to Visa server, and after successful transaction there should be something like call-back etc - some response from Visa server to our book-shop giving us notice that payment is OK (or whatever is status of payment). 


Please, help to understand what I have to do to make this Visa-payment possible on our online shop.


Thank you in advance




I’m also encountering this issue right now while setting up a payment system for a website. I want to enable direct payments using Visa or Mastercard for selling digital products, but the setup process and requirements are confusing, especially regarding API integration. For integrating Visa payments into the website, I’ve also looked at the Visa Developer portal and downloaded the C# code, but I’m stuck on how to properly configure it with the API keys, callback URLs, and attaching it to our shop's Visa card. It would be great if someone with experience in this setup could guide us. Let’s hope we can figure this out soon!


Re: How to add "Visa payment" method to online book-shop?

@Indubhushan wrote:

I am making a web-site for my friend who wrote several books, and we want to make it possible to sell those e-books on our website. I've tried here in Ukraine two payment systems - WayForPay and PrivatBank's LiqPay - tried adding buttons to make payments through these systems online, but they told that they require a seller to be "physical person-enterpreneur" or something like that, meaning one has to pay extra taxes monthly etc. So for us it is not acceptable as we are not enterpreneurs, we just want to sell those books. Thus we decided to try sell directly using Visa payment.


I've seen on some sites (like for paying for mobile, internet etc) that I can simply enter 16 digits of card-number (be it Visa or Mastercard, no matter), date (month/year), and secret 3-digits Card Verification Value (CVV) from back-side of bank-card, and this works fine. I want to add similar payment to our e-shop. 


First question is about MasterCard cards. Does Visa payment support MasterCards? I mean, if say, buyers will input his MasterCard number (16-digits, date, CVC-code), will such card be accepted through this Visa system to accept payments to Visa-card, attached to online-shop? 

And similar question is, is it possible to attach MasterCard for accepting payments, but to pay using Visa card? Or payment/selling is only possible when both buyer and seller have Visa cards? (Well, if MasterCards are not acccepted, it's not big problem, but still reduces possibilities).


Next, I'ld like to ask how to add Visa payment method to our book-shop? I am using C# ( for website. I've downloaded C# code from (JWS JWE Sample Code - C Sharp) but I have no idea how to attach this to website. I understand that there is something related to encryption, but there should be something like personal unique API-key etc, so that is attached to our shop, and somehow I have to input somewhere our Visa card number erc, so it is attached to Visa-API-key etc, so that it is all activated, and thus when user clicks "Pay" on the site (after filling all the data like bank card number, date, CVC code etc, and selecteing what he is going to buy) so that this data of who is paying and which amount he pays for what good etc is transferred to Visa server, and after successful transaction there should be something like call-back etc - some response from Visa server to our book-shop giving us notice that payment is OK (or whatever is status of payment). 


Please, help to understand what I have to do to make this Visa-payment possible on our online shop.


Thank you in advance



Need your guidance plz!

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: How to add "Visa payment" method to online book-shop?

Hey @benstoksey33 & @Indubhushan,


To integrate Visa payment methods into your website and address your questions, you need to follow several steps and understand the details of the Visa Developer platform. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you:


MasterCard Support
1. Does Visa payment support MasterCards?
Visa's payment systems often support multiple card networks, including MasterCard. This means that a buyer can use a MasterCard to make payments through a Visa payment gateway, and the transaction can be processed as long as it meets the necessary requirements.

2. Can you attach a MasterCard for accepting payments but pay using a Visa card?
Yes, it is generally possible to set up a payment gateway that accepts multiple card types, including both Visa and MasterCard. The payment gateway will handle the transaction processing based on the card type used by the buyer.


Adding Visa Payment Method to Your Website
To integrate Visa payment methods into your ASP.NET website using C#, follow these steps:

1. Create a Visa Developer Account
- Sign up for an account at Visa Developer using this link:
- Create a new project in the Visa Developer Portal and choose the relevant APIs, such as Visa Direct or CyberSource Payments.

2. Obtain API Credentials
- Once your project is created, you will receive API credentials, including an API key, shared secret, and possibly a certificate for secure communication.

3. Download SDK and Sample Code
- Download the Visa Developer SDK and sample code for C#. You mentioned downloading the JWS JWE Sample Code - C Sharp, which is a good start.

4. Set Up Your Project
- Create a new ASP.NET project in Visual Studio.
- Add the downloaded sample code to your project.
- Install any necessary NuGet packages, like `RestSharp` for making API calls.

5. Configure API Credentials
- Store your API credentials securely in your project. You can use environment variables or a configuration file.
- Update the sample code to include your API credentials.

6. Implement Payment Logic
- Use the sample code to create a payment request. Here is an example of how to make an API call to process a payment:


using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class VisaPaymentService
private static readonly string apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
private static readonly string sharedSecret = "YOUR_SHARED_SECRET";
private static readonly string baseUrl = "";

public async Task<string> ProcessPayment(string cardNumber, string expirationDate, string cvv, decimal amount)
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(baseUrl);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", $"Basic {Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"{apiKey}:{sharedSecret}"))}");

var paymentRequest = new
// Construct your payment request object here
// Example:
cardNumber = cardNumber,
expirationDate = expirationDate,
cvv = cvv,
amount = amount

HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("v1/payments", paymentRequest);

string responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return responseBody;
// END 

7. Handle Payment Response
- After making the payment request, handle the response from the Visa server to update your website and notify the user of the payment status.
- Implement a callback or webhook to receive notifications from Visa about the payment status.

8. Test Your Integration
- Use the sandbox environment provided by Visa Developer to test your integration thoroughly.
- Ensure all edge cases are handled, and the payment flow works as expected.

9. Move to Production
- Once testing is complete, apply for production access through the Visa Developer Portal.
- Update your API credentials and endpoints to point to the production environment.


Additional Resources
For more detailed information, refer to the following resources on the Visa Developer platform:
- Visa Developer Documentation
- CyberSource Payments API 


By following these steps, you should be able to integrate Visa payment methods into your ASP.NET website and accept payments securely.



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