Informatie over een brandstofdienst


Informatie over een brandstofdienst

Hi, I'm Don. Newbie here on VISA Developer Community. 


Just started a startup to let users save money and time on fuel and administration. The question is of our card (VISA card ofc) can withdraw the information from the transaction? Like 20L. of gasoline for € 40,32 including the VAT sum. We need this information to setup invoices. 


Thanks a lot!

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Informatie over een brandstofdienst

Hi @DonHolland,


If you are the merchant then you have the transaction data. If you work with the merchant or the acquirer then you will have access to the transaction data.


I suggest you to reach out to your issuer bank for such arrangement. The issuing bank is the one doing the settlement of your transactions, therefore, they will be able to provide this data on a regular basis.

Transaction data will only be available at the banks level. You can create features to get that data from banks or store it in your APP at your end.


If you are not the merchant, or if you are not working with the merchant or acquirer, then we do not have an API which will give you transaction data on debit/credit cards because the issuer/acquirer maintains that data. 



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