The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

Re: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

Hi Vivek,

As I have shared code with you I am using.

 ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true;
ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 9999;
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;;

 Most of the solutions suggest the same, which I am already using.
1. Maybe my certificate is not correct (How can I test it?).

2. Maybe a certificate needs to install anywhere(Isn't it).

3. Why I am not getting any response in my exception?

Please provide me your official email so I can share more certificate details so we can debug it. I need to finish this task as soon as possible  


Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

Hey @granular-smart,


Can you please let us know if your issue is resolved or if you're still experiencing an issue? I'd be happy to help you resolve any issues that you are facing.




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Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

Hey @granular-smart and @vivek241,


We haven't heard from you, hence, we'll close your incident as resolved. We're happy to help if you have further questions.



Was your question answered? Don't forget to click on "Accept as Solution" to help other devs find the answer to the same question.

Re: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

Hi Vivek,

I have created my .p12 file using the command as well as vdpplayground.

I am able to get response using postman but not with my code, and code is copied from sample code. sharing location where I am getting error.2020-05-25

ex-correlation-id -   74AL759X6J1F_SC
request body  -  {"acquirerCountryCode":"840","acquiringBin":"408999","amount":"124.02","businessApplicationId":"AA","cardAcceptor":{"address":{"country":"USA","county":"081","state":"CA","zipCode":"94404"},"idCode":"ABCD1234ABCD123","name":"Visa Inc. USA-Foster City","terminalId":"ABCD1234"},"cavv":"0700100038238906000013405823891061668252","foreignExchangeFeeTransaction":"11.99","localTransactionDateTime":"2020-05-13T06:03:29","retrievalReferenceNumber":"330000550000","senderCardExpiryDate":"2015-10","senderCurrencyCode":"USD","senderPrimaryAccountNumber":"4895142232120006","surcharge":"11.99","systemsTraceAuditNumber":"451001","nationalReimbursementFee":"11.22","cpsAuthorizationCharacteristicsIndicator":"Y","addressVerificationData":{"street":"XYZ St","postalCode":"12345"},"settlementServiceIndicator":"9","colombiaNationalServiceData":{"countryCodeNationalService":"170","nationalReimbursementFee":"20.00","nationalNetMiscAmountType":"A","nationalNetReimbursementFeeBaseAmount":"20.00","nationalNetMiscAmount":"10.00","addValueTaxReturn":"10.00","taxAmountConsumption":"10.00","addValueTaxAmount":"10.00","costTransactionIndicator":"0","emvTransactionIndicator":"1","nationalChargebackReason":"11"},"riskAssessmentData":{"delegatedAuthenticationIndicator":true,"lowValueExemptionIndicator":true,"traExemptionIndicator":true,"trustedMerchantExemptionIndicator":true,"scpExemptionIndicator":true},"visaMerchantIdentifier":"73625198"}

Anything else required, please let me know



Re: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

Hi Vivek,

ex-correlation-id => GDSMO63GFLF7_SC
I have tried to create  .p12 file using the command as well as vdpplayground. I am getting a response using postman but not using code. 
if anything else required please let me know.

New Contributor

Re: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

It's a shame that support just started ignoring you and giving you default responses. I can't solve this issue either, but they just IGNORED your good questions. What a shame...