Edit Package automation

Regular Visitor

Edit Package automation



Currently we (issuer) do reconciliation process for VISA by using Base II Edit Package to download and read the transaction report.  

Is there a way to automate the download of these files ? By using SFTP or API perhaps?



Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Edit Package automation

Hey @saniscara,


I'm happy to help answer your question. Can you please confirm the API product that your question relates to? To view a list of our API products please go here - https://developer.visa.com/apibrowser




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Regular Visitor

Re: Edit Package automation

Hi Diana thanks a lot for the help,


We are an Issuer (Bank) from Asia Pacific region, and at this stage we are not sure which API to use.

So could you give us a guidance?


Our use case is basically like this :

1. We use Base II Visa Edit Package to download transaction files from VISA, manually

2. We examine the transaction one by one and match it with our own records


So what we want is to do automatic downloading, so we don't have to use Base II Visa Edit Package to download the files.

You can find the Edit Package software that i was talking about here :




Is there a way to do this?

Visa Developer Support Specialist
Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Edit Package automation

Hi @saniscara,

Currently there isn't an API on VDP that allows you to download transaction files that are available in Edit Package. I agree using an API to programmatically download these files would be very efficient and can be automated. I will pass your feedback to our product team for consideration in future product development.




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Re: Edit Package automation

We too use edit package to download transaction files for reconciliation. Due to covid19 situation, most of our team are working from home. But we have pc edit package on office desktop. For which someone has too go to office and download the files.
If visa can implement (like mastercard online) a portal for download transaction files and upload/stage transaction and other files (like fee collection/ fund disbursement), it would help a lot.
Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Edit Package automation

Hey @tsds787 ,


We continuously work to better our product and environment. We appreciate and value your feedback. Please check back on our Visa Developer Platform for updates and releases. We hope to work with you again in the future.



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Regular Visitor

Re: Edit Package automation



Edit Package has a functionality called "Batch Utilities" and I think it allows you to configure some automations like downloading/uploading files from/to VISA via an EAS or DEX.

Maybe it could help you.


Re: Edit Package automation

I have a solution for this. Automated uploads/dowloads. You will never have to start Edit Package interavtivelly again. (I developed this solution for a third party processor that has more than 15 issuers and acquirers...)

Occasional Visitor

Re: Edit Package automation

Hello, when I send outgoing file by BatchFacility "BPBATCH.exe" the EPOUT file is always generated without content, but if the process is started manually by the Interface (EPWIN400) the EPOUT report is generated with content normally, is there a way to generate this file by BatchFacility?


Re: Edit Package automation

Is there any news on this?