Re: how to connect visanet ?


how to connect visanet ?

Greetings to all, in general.
The sender asked me for IAT and ISA for receiving money, but I can not find it in my bank, tell me how to connect it to me?
Country Kazakhstan

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: how to connect visanet ?

Hi @Greeenday,


The IAT/ICA number is not directly related to the Visa Developer Portal, therefore, I will not be able to comment directly on how you will get the IAT/ICA number. Can you please let me know what  company you work for and the Visa APIs that you are interested in using for you business project? Also, please explain what you are referring to when you say, "ISA."


For information on how to get ICA and IAT codes, please follow this link as it shows how to activate ICA and IAT codes.  


The "iat" (issued at) claim identifies the time at which the JWT was issued. This claim can be used to determine the age of the JWT. Its value MUST be a number containing a NumericDate value.  Use of this claim is OPTIONAL. For additional information on IAT please visit this link.  


IAT is for the occasional web token and it is for standard industry technology. It is for building a case in the web token. The IAT number, is a number that is assigned by a developer who is generating the token. The IAT number is generated by the developer creating the web token and is industry standard.


For information on VisaNet, please navigate to the link below.






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Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: how to connect visanet ?

Hi @Greeenday,


Please reach out to the sender who is asking about this number to understand the significance of IAT. 




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Regular Visitor

Re: how to connect visanet ?

Hi Diana,
I'm from uk and I want to conect my Barclays business acount to the Visanet can you help me please.

Thank you!!
Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: how to connect visanet ?

Hi @Sorin,


For information on VisaNet, please navigate to this link -







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Regular Visitor

Re: how to connect visanet ?

It will be easy for us if you let us know the use case for connecting to Visanet. However, you can visit Visa Developer Center to check APIs which VISA offers to outside world. You can create account and use test version of APIs for free. Thanks!