I am Sagar, We are trying to build Visa checkout Integration in our website. We have followed the below procedure,
1. We are working visa checkout with authorize.net.
2. We have generated an API key through the authorize.net
Visa checkout API Key - IWEQ158IDG79GQV7NL5S21b7stAJM4Bp9v7WA6J1_R4PHQnsw
3. Implemented Javascript code as well as mentioned in the link - https://www.authorize.net/content/dam/authorize/documents/VisaCheckoutGettingStartedGuide.pdf
4. We are getting a visa checkout button and when we click on visa checkout it open fancy box after entered all payment details (card detail) and address.
5. Currently, we have added test credit cards, After submitting the continue button we are getting a response from visa checkout with below parameters,
- CallId
- encKey
- encPaymentData
6. When I tried to decrypt the encPaymentData, I have seen the credit card number is not coming in card info object.
Could you please let me know why the credit card number is not coming in the response in parameter encPaymentData.
Is there is any setting or configuration we need to do?
Thank you In advance! Please help.
Thank you
Hey @sknanajkar,
That's a good question! I'll take a look and get back to you soon.
What method are you using to decrypt the encPaymentData?
You must decrypt the consumer information payload on a secure server. Ensure that the dynamic encrypted key, encKey, and the encrypted payload, encPaymentData, from the response are on your secure server. You will also need the shared secret associated with your encryption key (encryptionKey) on your secure server.
Visa Checkout provides code in several languages that you can use to decrypt the payload
using the prerequisite fields. An example in Java is below:
public static byte[] decryptPayload(byte[] key, byte[] wrappedKey, byte[] payload) throws GeneralSecurityException {
byte[] unwrappedKey = decrypt(key, wrappedKey);
return decrypt(unwrappedKey, payload);
String sharedSecret = "YOUR_SHARED_SECRET";
String encKey = "YOUR_ENC_KEY";
String encPaymentData = "YOUR_ENC_PAYMENT";
decryptPayload(sharedSecret.getBytes(), encKey.getBytes(), encPaymentData.getBytes());
I am using authroize.net API to decrypt the data, and I am able to decrypt data. But on decrypted payment data I could not see card number.
I have resolved it by
Change data-level ="FULL" in Visacheckout javascript code. Now I am getting card number in response.
Thank you
Hey @Nexus_Software,
Thanks for your help in troubleshooting the issue, that was brilliant!
Hey @sknanajkar,
Excellent job on finding the root cause of the issue and sharing how the issue was resolved!
Happy New Year to you both 😊