Re: Error 9123 Expected input credential was not present.

Regular Visitor

Error 9123

Hello, I have a situation when my code works in local machine, but on server it returns 9123 Expected input credential was not present. The path and password is correctly set up, otherwise it would return different error. Can someone help me with this.

Regular Visitor

Re: Error 9123 Expected input credential was not present.

The server's OS is  linux and my local machine's is windows.

Community Moderator

Re: Error 9123 Expected input credential was not present.

Hi @Misho, Thank you for reaching out. One of our agents will look into this and get back to you soon. Until then, if any community member knows a solution, please feel free to reply in this thread. 

Regular Visitor

Re: Error 9123 Expected input credential was not present.

Thank you. The problem is solved. The reason was different OS. Certificate on a Linux was loaded differently.
Community Moderator

Re: Error 9123 Expected input credential was not present.

Thank you for sharing your update!