Re: Error in GetPaymentData API response - Input parameters validation failed

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Error in GetPaymentData API response - Input parameters validation failed



I have a successfull test for consuming getPaymentData service. Now I need to update it in order to include encRiskData field in the request.

By making this change it causes sandbox to return an errorResponse like this:



{"errorResponse":{"status":400,"message":"Input parameters validation failed.","reason":"invalidParameter"}}


It does not specify which fields are possibly causing the error, so this is how encRiskData is structured before turning it into JWE.



const encRiskDataObj = {
ip4address: "",
clientDeviceID: "6aabcf78-e0eb-11ec-9d64-0242ac120002",
location: "+40.7478/-73.9865",
clientWalletAccountEmailAddress: "",
billingZip: "02000",
billingLine1: "Street 1",
billingLine2: "Street 2",
billingCity: "NEW YORK",
billingState: "NY",
billingCountry: "US"


The request used to invoke the service:


const body = {
clientPaymentDataID: uuid.v4(uuid.mathRNG),
cryptogramType: "TAVV",
paymentRequest: { transactionType: "ECOM" },
dynamicData: {
authenticationAmount: "2345",
currencyCode: "978",
merchantIdentifier: {
aid: "a0000000041010000032",
mid: "a0000000041010000032"
authenticationFactorA: "10",
authenticationFactorB: "34"
} ,
encRiskData: encRiskDataInfo


encRiskData value is a JWE being created in the same way we do for paymentInstrument information in provisionToken service. Thi is an end point tested with no issues, meaning that JWE generation might not be the problem.

I don't know either if sandbox only works for specific data to be sent in encRiskData object.


Thanks in advance.


Community Moderator

Re: Error in GetPaymentData API response - Input parameters validation failed

Thank you for reaching out, @sandoval0992An agent will get back to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, if any community member knows the solution, please feel free to share it here. -Jenn

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Error in GetPaymentData API response - Input parameters validation failed

Hi @sandoval0992


You need to have a Merchant Service Provider.  Please reach out to one of our Partners to integrate Visa Checkout:  



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Regular Visitor

Re: Error in GetPaymentData API response - Input parameters validation failed

Hi, @DianaVisaPM 


Why do I need an integration with a third party service provider?


I'm just trying to get a response from sandbox  environment, mock data it's supposed to be sent as input in getPaymentData request.


Could you explain in more detail please?

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Error in GetPaymentData API response - Input parameters validation failed

Hi @sandoval0992,


Visa Developer Support doesn't provide direct sandbox support for the Visa Checkout API. You'll need to reach out to one of our Partners to have your questions answered and for further assistance with the Visa Checkout API product. 



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