Sandbox enabled, but I get message "Desculpe, não pudemos processar sua solicitação no momento...."

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Sandbox enabled, but I get message "Desculpe, não pudemos processar sua solicitação no momento...."


Sandbox is working and I perform API functions smoothly.
However, when I try to test payment the message occurs: "Sorry, we were unable to process your request at this time. Please try again later or contact customer service."

Has anyone ever experienced this?
What to do?


Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Sandbox enabled, but I get message "Desculpe, não pudemos processar sua solicitação no mome

Hey @IcraftBR,


I'd like to help resolve your issue. Please provide the following information, so that I can help:

1. Endpoint
2. Request Header
3. Request Body
4. Response Header (include the x-correlation-id)
5. Response Body

Using SoapUI, you can find the x-correlation-id in the Raw Tab of the response header.




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Regular Visitor

Re: Sandbox enabled, but I get message "Desculpe, não pudemos processar sua solicitação no mome

Testing is still at the beginning.
Link to access:
Javascript checkout is exactly as in the example of the site, filled in the keys of course.

function onVisaCheckoutReady(){
V.init( {
apikey: "XXXXXXXXXXX",
encryptionKey: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",

currencyCode: "BRL",
subtotal: "20.00"
V.on("payment.success", function(payment)
{alert(JSON.stringify(payment)); });
V.on("payment.cancel", function(payment)
{alert(JSON.stringify(payment)); });
V.on("payment.error", function(payment, error)
{alert(JSON.stringify(error)); });

No javascript errors occur and redirection happens.
Thank you for your help
Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Sandbox enabled, but I get message "Desculpe, não pudemos processar sua solicitação no mome

Hey @IcraftBR,


Thanks for providing this information. I'm currently working to resolve the issue and I'll get back to you soon.




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Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Sandbox enabled, but I get message "Desculpe, não pudemos processar sua solicitação no mome

Hey @IcraftBR,


To follow up, can you please let us know what path you are using for the Button Resource? If you're attempting this against Live, for instance, you might receive an error like this.

Also, please provide the URI which you are using for the GET request.

Lastly, Visa Checkout is not a means for processing payment, we only transfer payment from Visa to the Merchant. Can you please provide clarification on what you are expecting?

I would also like to know what portion of the developer guide you are referring to.




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Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Sandbox enabled, but I get message "Desculpe, não pudemos processar sua solicitação no mome

Hey @IcraftBR,


We haven't heard from you recently. Can you please tell us what path you're using for the Button Resource? If you're attempting this against Live, you might receive an error like this. What's the URI that you are using for the GET request.

Please also clarify on what you're expecting to do with VCO (refer to my previous post) and what part of the developer guide are you referring to?





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Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Sandbox enabled, but I get message "Desculpe, não pudemos processar sua solicitação no mome

Hey @IcraftBR,
We have reached out to you previously but have not heard back. We will go ahead and remove you from our contact list but feel free to reach out to us if you are interested in working together in the future. 




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