As the subjects states I keep receiving API003 Backend Error when trying to post data to
I am implementing MLE with private key and server certificate. I am sending basic auth details from my dashboard, I am including keyId header, "application/json" as Content-Type and Accept Header. I am encrypting this payload:
{\"searchTerminatedRequest\": {\n" +
"\"terminatedRecordSearchCriteria\": {\n" +
"\"legalName\": \"Snap Photoshop Ltd\",\n" +
"\"webAddresses\": [\n" +
"\"\",\n" +
"\"\"\n" +
"],\n" +
"\"businessEmailAddress\": \"\",\n" +
"\"address\": {\n" +
"\"countryOrRegion\": \"AT\",\n" +
"\"stateOrProvince\": \"CA\",\n" +
"\"city\": \"St Albans\",\n" +
"\"streetAddress\": \"80 Wood Street\",\n" +
"\"zipOrPostalCode\": \"SA82GF\"\n" +
"},\n" +
"\"taxID\": \"GB123456788\",\n" +
"\"businessRegistrationNumber\": \"452349600005\",\n" +
"\"tradeOverInternet\": false,\n" +
"\"merchantCategoryCodes\": [\"5411\"],\n" +
"\"principals\": [{\n" +
"\"passportNumber\": \"07043453\",\n" +
"\"businessEmailAddress\": \"\",\n" +
"\"driverLicenseNumber\": \"07043453\",\n" +
"\"name\": \"Bill Smith\",\n" +
"\"principalID\": \"07043454\",\n" +
"\"residentIDOrNationalID\": \"07043453\",\n" +
"\"SSN\": \"123-12-1235\",\n" +
"\"businessPhoneNumber\": \"+861071111223\"\n" +
"}],\n" +
"\"category\": \"0\",\n" +
"\"businessPhoneNumbers\": [\"+861071111223\"],\n" +
"\"DBAName\": \"Snap Photoshop Ltd\"\n" +
"},\n" +
"\"acquirerBID\": \"10033027\",\n" +
"\"retroAlertIfNoMatch\": false,\n" +
"\"globalSearch\": true,\n" +
"\"acquirerCountryOrRegion\": \"AT\"\n" +
"}}\n" +
"Response\n" +
"{\n" +
"\"searchTerminatedResponse\": {\n" +
"\"searchRequestRef\": {\n" +
"\"terminatedRecordSearchCriteria\": {\n" +
"\"legalName\": \"Snap Photoshop Ltd\",\n" +
"\"webAddresses\": [\n" +
"\"\",\n" +
"\"\"\n" +
"],\n" +
"\"businessEmailAddress\": \"\",\n" +
"\"address\": {\n" +
"\"stateOrProvince\": \"CA\",\n" +
"\"countryOrRegion\": \"AT\",\n" +
"\"streetAddress\": \"80 Wood Street\",\n" +
"\"city\": \"St Albans\",\n" +
"\"zipOrPostalCode\": \"SA82GF\"\n" +
"},\n" +
"\"taxID\": \"GB123456788\",\n" +
"\"businessRegistrationNumber\": \"452349600005\",\n" +
"\"merchantCategoryCodes\": [\"5411\"],\n" +
"\"tradeOverInternet\": false,\n" +
"\"principals\": [{\n" +
"\"passportNumber\": \"07043453\",\n" +
"\"businessEmailAddress\": \"\",\n" +
"\"driverLicenseNumber\": \"07043453\",\n" +
"\"name\": \"Bill Smith\",\n" +
"\"principalID\": \"07043454\",\n" +
"\"residentIDOrNationalID\": \"07043453\",\n" +
"\"businessPhoneNumber\": \"+861071111223\",\n" +
"\"SSN\": \"123-12-1235\"\n" +
"}],\n" +
"\"businessPhoneNumbers\": [\"+861071111223\"],\n" +
"\"DBAName\": \"Snap Photoshop Ltd\"\n" +
"},\n" +
"\"searchRequestRefID\": \"8957785\",\n" +
"\"acquirerBID\": \"10033027\",\n" +
"\"globalSearch\": true,\n" +
"\"acquirerCountryOrRegion\": \"AT\"\n" +
"},\n" +
"\"possibleMatches\": {\n" +
"\"matchedRecords\": [],\n" +
"\"totalCount\": 0\n" +
"}\n" +
which results in following data:
The response I am getting is {"responseStatus":{"statusCode":"API003","statusDescription":"Backend Error - Orchestration couldn't complete"}}
and the X-CORRELATION-ID is 1697812020_275_25598638_-78585b5877q4_VDP_WS.
Could you tell me what is it exactly that I'm doing wrong here?
Actually the endpoint I'm using is
Hi @madamczyk,
I tested Merchant Search today in sandbox and got a successful request/response payload. Please refer to the attached text file for my request/response payload. Authentication Method is Mutual SSL and I enabled Message Level Encryption. You can refer to the links to the guides I provided below and you're free to use whichever testing tool you'd like. Please test again and share your result with us.
Visa Developer Center Playground
I'm still getting the same 500 error response for the request that you provided. x-correlation-id=1698218519_558_1884646970_b9f55n7_VDP_WS
Also you said that you enabled MLE but from what I see there is no option to do that in merchant search as it is mandatory.
Hi @madamczyk,
Please enable MLE. Test again and share your result. You can refer to the file attachment I sent in my previous post to you for the request.
How exactly I am supposed to enable MLE on that api? It doesn't contain that toggle and it says that MLE is mandatory
Hi @madamczyk,
You're free to use whichever testing tool you like but I used the VDC Playground. The guide to VDC Playground is here. Test again with MLE enabled and let us know if the error is fixed.
Hi @madamczyk,
Is the error fixed? If so, I'll take you off my contact list. Thanks.
No it's not fixed. I asked you how to turn on MLE on merchant screening api as it says that MLE is mandatory. According to your documentation "Some VDP APIs show up as Mandatory MLE. This means there is no choice given to the end user, on whether to opt to use MLE when sending payloads across to these API end points."
There's probably something else that I'm doing wrong and I would like to know what that is. I copied exactly your request posed on earlier and I still get the same error
Hi @madamczyk,
Did you access your MLE credentials from your project app from the dashboard in the Visa Developer Portal? Refer to the steps in the 2 screenshots below on how to enable and configure MLE on VDC Playground testing tool. Please test again and share your result with us.
Steps 1 & 2 (above screenshot)
Steps 3 to 7 (above screenshot)