VSPS via Postmen: What is Client ID? and error 401, "9207", Token validation failed

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VSPS via Postmen: What is Client ID? and error 401, "9207", Token validation failed

We are trying to test Visa Stop Payment Service via Postmen:

Helloworld is already working. MLE we already set up but still get the error 401, "9207", Token validation failed.


Headers in Postman:

Authorization: Basic MEsyRUpNWUJMR05BREtIUUM0VTMyMUs5SWwyd05fYUpNV1NQWkc2blVjajhTZDBhWTpiZFNlcU5sZEc0TGQ4M3drTlg1aUo0S3g3Q2Q=

clientid: V0010014623293618972703190446

Connection: keep-alive

keyId: 2904f573-79ec-4f8a-a3e4-bd23a4e1f4d2


clientId: V0010014623293618972703190446 (we took the internal client PAR value from our bank)


{"duration": 1,
"pan": "4441111173455068",
"startDate": "2024-03-14"}
"responseStatus": {
"status": 401,
"code": "9207",
"severity": "ERROR",
"message": "Token validation failed",
"info": ""

Authorisation we took from the Sanbox credentials

Community Moderator

Re: VSPS via Postmen: What is Client ID? and error 401, "9207", Token validation failed

Hi @Yana , Thank you for reaching out. One of our agents will look into this and get back to you soon. Until then, if any community members know a solution, please feel free to reply to this thread.

Regular Visitor

Re: VSPS via Postmen: What is Client ID? and error 401, "9207", Token validation failed

Thank you) We resolved the issue by encrypting the message via the Python sample code. This point was missed so we got that error.

The only thing: we cannot see the tab "Test data" in our Sandbox project, Could you please, suggest how to add this tab to our project "Tests VSPS (Mono)"? 


photo_2024-03-15 15.50.56.jpeg

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: VSPS via Postmen: What is Client ID? and error 401, "9207", Token validation failed

Hi @Yana,


Great, thanks for letting us know how you solved the issue. 



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