Visa Checkout integrated to Cielo

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Visa Checkout integrated to Cielo

Hi there,


I'm developing a web application that uses Visa Checkout to receive donations. It is supposed to integrate with Cielo, a Brazilian financial services company.


I'm using Sandbox environment, both at Visa and Cielo.


When I get the CallId param received from Visa Checkout and send it to Cielo, I'm receiving the message "Merchant Wallet Configuration not found". I talked to Cielo and thay said that the param I'm sending is incorrect.


Is that some misconfiguration at my Visa Checkout account? What do I have to do to fix it?


Thank you in advance,


Best regards,
Thiago Colebrusco

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Visa Checkout integrated to Cielo

Hey @tcolebrusco,


To use Visa Checkout, you must also have a Merchant Service Provider. Visa Checkout does not act as a Payment Gateway, Payment Processor, or Merchant Service Provider: it simply is a digital payment service designed to simplify the checkout experience using a secure, single sign-on across channels and devices using a customer's preferred payment method and works with your existing payment ecosystem.


If you are interested in using Visa Checkout, please reach out to one of our Partners to integrate with Visa Checkout: 





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