{ "msgIdentfctn": { "correlatnId": "465", "reqstId": "6346E51C14F558784AC62720219E822D", "id": "304058249520001" }, "Body": { "Envt": { "Card": { "PANFourLastDgts": "6623" }, "Accptr": { "Id": "999999999999999" }, "Termnl": { "TermnlId": { "Id": "99999999" } } }, "PrcgRslt": { "RsltData": { "Rslt": "Declined", "RsltDtls": "15" } }, "Tx": { "TxAmts": { "TxAmt": { "Amt": "123.45", "Ccy": "8" } }, "AddtlData": { "Tp": "FreeFormDescData", "Val": " freeformdata" }, "SpclPrgrmmQlfctn": { "Prgrmm": "CPS", "Dtls": [ { "Nm": "ACI", "Val": "N" }, { "Nm": "DwngdRsnCd", "Val": "NA" } ] } }, "Cntxt": { "TxCntxt": { "Rcncltn": { "Dt": "--02-28" } }, "PtOfSvcCntxt": { "EComrcData": [ { "Tp": "ECI", "Val": "3" } ] }, "Vrfctn": [ { "Tp": "ADDB", "VrfctnRslt": { "Rslt": "NOVF", "RsltDtls": "U" } }, { "Tp": "PCDV", "VrfctnRslt": { "Rslt": "NOVF", "RsltDtls": "U" } } ] }, "AdddmData": { "Instlmt": { "Plan": [ { "GrdTtlAmt": "234.56", "InstlmtCcy": "840", "TtlNbOfPmts": "24", "SbsqntAmt": "9999.99", "PrdUnit": "WEEK", "NbOfPrds": "2", "PlanOwnr": "ISSR", "DfrrdInstlmtInd": "true" } ], "PmtSeqNb": "12" } } } }
{ msgIdentfctn: { clientId: "1DLMLAPPKDJ04301701", correlatnId: "Gg6yTAyWkmhyq0jPKHziafG", }, Body: { Tx: { TxAttr: ["INST"], TxDesc: "transactiondescription", TxId: { LclDtTm: formatDate(new Date()), // LclDtTm: "2016-11-25T01:02:03", }, AddtlData: { Val: "freeformdata", Tp: "FreeFormDescData", }, TxAmts: { AmtQlfr: "ESTM", TxAmt: { Ccy: "008", Amt: "123.45", }, }, }, Envt: { Accptr: { PaymentFacltId: "52014057", CstmrSvc: "1 4155552235", ShrtNm: "ABC Supplies", Id: "999999999999999", FrgnRtlrInd: true, Adr: { PstlCd: "78463", CtrySubDvsnMjr: "03", Ctry: "US", CtrySubDvsnMnr: "011", }, }, Termnl: { TermnlId: { Id: "99999999", }, }, Wllt: { Prvdr: { Id: "VCIND", }, }, Card: { XpryDt: "2312", PAN: "4000220177656623", }, }, Cntxt: { Vrfctn: [ { VrfctnInf: { Val: { HexBinryVal: "099010618111100000000788400707000000000", }, Tp: "authenticationValue", }, Tp: "THDS", }, { VrfctnInf: { Val: { TxtVal: "321", }, }, Tp: "CSCV", }, { VrfctnInf: { Val: { TxtVal: "PO Box 12345", }, }, Tp: "ADDB", }, { VrfctnInf: { Val: { TxtVal: "12345", }, }, Tp: "PCDV", }, ], TxCntxt: { MrchntCtgyCd: "3501", MrchntCtgySpcfcData: "B", AuthntcnOutgInd: true, }, PtOfSvcCntxt: { CardDataNtryMd: "CDFL", }, SaleCntxt: { GoodsAndSvcsTp: "ELEC", GoodsAndSvcsSubTp: "CRCU", }, }, SplmtryData: [ { Envlp: { StrngCstmrAuthntcn: { Xmptn: [ { Val: "CLAI", Tp: "TMBE", }, { Val: "NCLA", Tp: "LOWA", }, ], DlgtdAuthrty: "CLAI", }, }, PlcAndNm: "EUPSD2SCADataSD1V01", }, ], AdddmData: { AddtlData: { Val: "1234567890", Tp: "PlanRegSysId", }, Instlmt: { PmtSeqNb: "12", Plan: [ { DfrrdInstlmtInd: true, PrdUnit: "WEEK", SbsqntAmt: "9999.99", TtlNbOfPmts: 24, InstlmtCcy: 840, NbOfPrds: "2", PlanOwnr: "ISSR", GrdTtlAmt: "234.56", }, ], }, }, }, }
Hi @CECFZC, Thank you for reaching out. One of our agents will get back to you soon. Until then, please reply to this thread if any community members have information you feel may help.
I've logged incident INC17799287 for the engineering team to investigate. We'll get back soon.
It's an issue with your PAN. Are you making up a PAN? This response code is "no such issuer" as in the BIN doesn't exist. You need to have integrated sandbox enabled on your account to test this API so if you don't have integrated sandbox enabled then you won't get a 200 response. Please email the Developer Support team at developer@visa.com and ask them to enable integrated sandbox for you so that you can test this API.