i got this exception while hitting https://sandbox.api.visa.com/visadirect/mvisa/v1/mr on https://developer.visa.com/capabilities/visa_direct/reference#visa_direct__refund_api.what should we pass as the test pan and other objects as a request of above api .
my request json is -{ "acquirerCountryCode":"840", "acquiringBin":"408999", "amount":"120", "transactionFeeAmt":"10", "cardAcceptor":{ "address":{ "city":"new york", "country":"USA", "county":"San Mateo", "state":"CA", "zipCode":"94404" }, "idCode":"ABCD1234ABCD123", "name":"Visa Inc. USA-Foster City", "terminalId":"ABCD1234" }, "merchantVerificationValue":{ "mvvVisaAssigned":"41394644363445313243", "mvvAcquirerAssigned":"41394644363445313243" }, "localTransactionDateTime":"2020-06-16T17:19:07", "merchantCategoryCode":"6012", "recipientPrimaryAccountNumber":"4895100000055127", "retrievalReferenceNumber":"412770451018", "feeProgramIndicator":null, "systemsTraceAuditNumber":"451018", "transactionCurrencyCode":"USD", "transactionIdentifier":810917935155075, "settlementServiceIndicator":"9" }
Hello @granular-smart,
I'm happy to help you with the exception that you are hitting. To continue, please provide us with the following info:
1. Endpoint
2. Request Header
3. Request Body
4. Response Header (include the x-correlation-id)
5. Response Body
Using SoapUI, you can find the x-correlation-id in the Raw Tab of the response header. Please let us know if you need help with anything else and I'll be happy to assist. 🙂
Please try below working payload.
"amount": "120",
"localTransactionDateTime": "2020-06-18T04:13:00.000",
"recipientPrimaryAccountNumber": "4761360055652118",
"cardAcceptor": {
"address": {
"country": "USA",
"zipCode": "94404",
"city": "new york",
"county": "San Mateo",
"state": "CA"
"idCode": "ABCD1234ABCD123",
"name": "Visa Inc. USA-Foster City",
"terminalId": "ABCD1234"
"transactionIdentifier": 810917935155075,
"acquirerCountryCode": "840",
"acquiringBin": "408999",
"retrievalReferenceNumber": "412770451018",
"systemsTraceAuditNumber": "451018",
"transactionFeeAmt": "10",
"settlementServiceIndicator": "9",
"merchantCategoryCode": "6012",
"transactionCurrencyCode": "USD",
"merchantVerificationValue": {
"mvvAcquirerAssigned": "41394644363445313243",
"mvvVisaAssigned": "41394644363445313243"
"feeProgramIndicator": null
If you still get an exception, please let us know what tool you are using to test the API and the correlation ID of the error.