Bad Request 400 Error

Regular Contributor

Bad Request 400 Error

I got rid of 400 (Unauthorised errors)


For over 12hrs i keep getting 400 Bad Requests while doing sandbox tests

My Headers are Perfect ,Aunthentication is Very okay

But i just cant Explain why this Error Keeps Coming


I Badly Need Help


"cardAcceptor":{"address":{"country":"USA","county":"San Mateo","state":"CA","zipCode":"94404"},"idCode":"CA-IDCode-77765","amount":null,
"name":"Visa Inc. USA-Foster City","terminalId":"TID-9999"}
"addressVerificationData":{"street":"Kampala Road","postalCode":"256"},"pointOfServiceData":null}

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Bad Request 400 Error

Hi @ezamarichard,


Oh, I see you're working with Visa Direct APIs but before taking a deep dive into your inquiry, can you please provide confirmation that you've read the Visa Direct documentation via this link -  


There's an important note in the first few paragraphs of the Visa Direct documentation, that discuss the requirements to use Visa Direct and it's shaded in yellow.


After you've read the documentation and if you meet the requirements shaded in yellow, then please fill out the Visa Direct Program Implementation Questionnaire, and submit to the email address listed on that form.




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