Expected input credential was not present

Regular Visitor

Expected input credential was not present

POST Request to Visa API

Endpoint: https://sandbox.api.visa.com/connect/v1/cardServices/new400

Duration: 224 ms

Client Certificate:
- ID: 035301ab-241e-4c02-973c-49928afd4cdb
- Matches: [1]
- Key Source: /D:/Keys/private_key.pem
- Certificate Source: /D:/Keys/cert.pem
- PFX: {…}
- Passphrase: ""

Network Details

Request Headers:
- X-App-Id: 8e62cb9f-d35c-4a1f-bb01-a21f4d3c3b4f
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
- Authorization: Basic TDk2Vlg0RzhDTlU1UzhEODZVQ08yMWxhV0g3MUcwdzl2S3Z5SFplcnZzM1ZmcGZtZzpzOW1NSjA5RzZVdHo5cEQ1VzljSDRCcDlVU1F6Q3ZDeDRl
- User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.42.0
- Postman-Token: 051e2de5-c3ee-49ac-bcad-ec41b6797b92
- Host: sandbox.api.visa.com
- Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
- Connection: keep-alive
- Content-Length: 314

Request Body:
"Envt": {
"Card": {
"CardTp": "PHYS",
"XpryDt": "1230",
"PAN": "4000123456781234",
"Seed": "123456ABCDEF",
"CardSeqNb": 1
"Hdr": {
"msgIdentfctn": {
"clientId": "TEST_CLIENT_123",
"correlatnId": "456987456"
"PrtcolVrsn": "VIP.1.1"

Response Headers:
- (No specific headers provided)

Response Body:
"responseStatus": {
"status": 400,
"code": "9125",
"severity": "ERROR",
"message": "Expected input credential was not present",
"info": ""

Community Moderator

Re: Expected input credential was not present

Hi @admin_11Thank you for reaching out. An agent will be with you as soon as possible. Until then, if any community member knows a solution, please feel free to share it here. 

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Expected input credential was not present

Hey @admin_11,


To make a POST request to the Visa API at the endpoint `https://sandbox.api.visa.com/connect/v1/cardServices/new400` using the provided details, follow these steps:


1. Client Certificate Configuration:
- Ensure you have the client certificate and private key files correctly configured in Postman.
- The client certificate ID is `035301ab-241e-4c02-973c-49928afd4cdb`.
- The private key is located at `/D:/Keys/private_key.pem`.
- The certificate is located at `/D:/Keys/cert.pem`.
- There is no passphrase required for these files.


2. Request Headers:
- Include the following headers in your POST request:
X-App-Id: 8e62cb9f-d35c-4a1f-bb01-a21f4d3c3b4f
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Basic TDk2Vlg0RzhDTlU1UzhEODZVQ08yMWxhV0g3MUcwdzl2S3Z5SFplcnZzM1ZmcGZtZzpzOW1NSjA5RzZVdHo5cEQ1VzljSDRCcDlVU1F6Q3ZDeDRl
User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.42.0
Postman-Token: 051e2de5-c3ee-49ac-bcad-ec41b6797b92
Host: sandbox.api.visa.com
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 314


3. Request Body:
- Ensure your request body is correctly formatted as JSON:
"Envt": {
"Card": {
"CardTp": "PHYS",
"XpryDt": "1230",
"PAN": "4000123456781234",
"Seed": "123456ABCDEF",
"CardSeqNb": 1
"Hdr": {
"msgIdentfctn": {
"clientId": "TEST_CLIENT_123",
"correlatnId": "456987456"
"PrtcolVrsn": "VIP.1.1"


4. Network Details:
- The endpoint URL is `https://sandbox.api.visa.com/connect/v1/cardServices/new400`.
- Ensure that the Host header is set to `sandbox.api.visa.com`.


5. Response Handling:
- If you receive a response with status 400 and the message "Expected input credential was not present," it indicates that the expected input credential is missing.
- Verify that all required headers, especially the Authorization and X-App-Id headers, are correctly included.
- Ensure that your client certificate is correctly configured and matches the required format.


By following these steps, you should be able to successfully make a POST request to the Visa API in the sandbox environment. 




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