I'm trying to use the payment account validation API and when I run it I get the error:
Error: test_cardValidation(PaymentAccountValidationTest): OpenSSL:: SL:: SLError: SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey: key values mismatch
In my configuration.yml file, I left the userId, password, and visaUrl as is. I changed the "cert" value to be the path of the visa development platform certificate that I downloaded from the dashboard under credentials and the key is the path to my secrete key...they are both .pem files.
I go in the samplecode-RUBY-951aae/vdp-ruby directory and run "bundle exec rake" (just like what was told in the README file) and I get that error, near the end. It shows that one test has been run and one error has occured. I've attached a screenshot of the terminal. Please can I get some opinions on how to fix this or what I could have done wrong?
Hi @jimtoby,
To further investigate, please provide the following information:
1. End Point
2. Request Header
3. Request Body
4. Response Header (include the x-correlation-id)
5. Response Body
@DianaTran-Yee Thanks for the response. I'm not quite sure where to get this information but I attached a couple of screenshots...one of the doMutualAuthRequest function and the other of the PaymentAccountValidationTest class. I have not changed the sample code at all...the only place I made changes to was the configuration.yml. If this isn't the information you are looking for, can you please tell me where to find it?
Hi @jimtoby,
Can you please try using the Payment Account Validation test data from your project?