Visa Checkout - Code 9102 Token validation failed

Regular Visitor

Visa Checkout - Code 9102 Token validation failed

Hi everyone.


I hope someone can help me, cause I´m several hours trying to figure out what is happening.


I´m using the example code in C# for use Update Payment Info (

In my application when I call the Uri


// Make the call
using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)


I receive the error

The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel


But using the PostMan App I receive the error below:

"code": "9102",
"message": "Token validation failed"


I´m attaching a Postman print screen with the request.


Thanks everyone for any help.



Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Visa Checkout - Code 9102 Token validation failed

Hi @cfqueiroz,


We have an expert team that manages questions specific to this product. Please submit this inquiry to and someone will connect you to the expert team soon after.


Thank you,




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Regular Visitor

Re: Visa Checkout - Code 9102 Token validation failed

Thanks Diana. I will do it.