Re: Live Stream of My Visa Transaction

Regular Visitor

Live Stream of My Visa Transaction


Hi all, 
I would like to know if there is any API that allow me to track my card transactions.


My final goal is that every time i make a transaction with my VISA card, I am able to query the details of the transaction throuigh a script.


I imagine that, with the appropriated security checks, i should be able to access these informations.


I know that, for example, Google Pay do provide this service with American Express (every time i make a purchase with AmeX i receive a push notification from Google, even if the purchase did not happened on the app).



Does Visa have an API for this?


Regular Visitor

Re: Live Stream of My Visa Transaction

I see that there is this one


but i am not sure its what i am looking for

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Live Stream of My Visa Transaction

Hi @macchi92,


Let me take a look and I will get back to you soon. I will check with the product team to see if Visa Transaction Control will be a good fit for you business case.




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