Re: Looking for a VISA service that provides new Expiration Date for a PAN upon re-issue of expired

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Looking for a VISA service that provides new Expiration Date for a PAN upon re-issue of expired card

Hi! I'm looking for a service that provides the new Expiration Date for a given PAN upon re-issue of an expired card. I went through all the VISA service APIs here (including "Card-On-File Data Inquiry", "Payment Account Attributes Inquiry" & "Visa Account Updater") but am unable to find the service that provides that info I need. In my use-case, I have the PAN & expiration date that I manage for the card-holder. On the month or after the expiration date, I would want to know the expiration date with the new value on the re-issued card. Please let me know which VISA service gives me this info. Thanks in advance.
Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Looking for a VISA service that provides new Expiration Date for a PAN upon re-issue of expired

Hey @MT,


I'll take a look and get back to you soon!



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Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Looking for a VISA service that provides new Expiration Date for a PAN upon re-issue of expired

Hey @MT,


Per your use case on checking to see if the card is in good standing, such as if the card has expired or not, I would recommend you to use Payment Account Validation.


The Payment Account Validation API (PAV API) can identify stolen, expired, or frozen payment accounts. PAV has a seamless transaction flow when applications check if a card is stolen, expired, or frozen before initiating a transaction.


To use the PAV API, you must always provide a primary account number (PAN) to be validated in the request message.

Depending on the optional services you choose, additional variables will be required in the request.


The PAV API provides several methods that you can use to determine if a particular Visa account is valid and in good standing. The PAV API accepts a primary account number (PAN) as input and performs an Account Verification. You can optionally elect to have Address Verification and/or CVV2 Validation done at the same time. The API returns the validation results for each option in the API response.


Here's some Payment Account Validation API information for you to take a look at.

PAV Overview -

PAV Documentation -

PAV > How to Use Payment Account Validation -




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Re: Looking for a VISA service that provides new Expiration Date for a PAN upon re-issue of expired

Hi Diana,


Firstly, thanks for your response. Much appreciated.


However, I'm sorry but looks like you misunderstood our use-case. We are NOT looking to check if the card is in good standing. As a result, the Payment Account Validation API will not serve our purpose.


Allow me to explain the use-case again...We have the PAN & Expiration Date of a customer's card stored securely as per PCI compliance guidelines. This is used to process payments. However, PAST the expiration date, it cannot be used to process any further payments. Since the customer has authorized us to process payments, after the initial expiration date, we would like to query a VISA service and obtain the new expiration date for that PAN. By doing so, we can continue to process payments for the customer moving forward. Hope that clarifies our use-case a bit.


Essentially, we are looking for a VISA service that takes in a PAN (and possibly old expiration date) and returns a new expiration date. For comparison, MasterCard provides such a service at We are looking for a similar service for VISA.


Thanks in advance.