Recommend me the right api for my business.

Regular Visitor

Recommend me the right api for my business.

Hi everyone, I'm new here and I would like to know from the community which Api's could use to add my wallet, not just a bitcoin wallet, it will work so that members can make payments to each other, and pay for services like netflix, mobile service recharges etc.

Similar as a Paypal, epayments, neteller etc


Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Recommend me the right api for my business.

Hey @Bankisa,
For a virtual wallet use case, the Visa Token Service, Visa Checkout, or CyberSource Payments would be a good fit.
If you're a card on file merchant, then Visa Token Service may be an option for you if you're looking to tokenize to reduce risk. For Visa Token Service, the card itself is tokenized by the merchant so they can charge the card without storing the PAN. How you're looking to handle the data will depend on whether or not you're a good potential fit for Visa Token Service.
Visa Token Service API Overview -  
For Visa Checkout, the consumers are the ones logging in for their card information to be pulled using the Visa Checkout API.
Visa Checkout -
Visa Checkout Documentation -
With CyberSource, you can process credit, debit and gift cards across the globe and across multiple channels with scalability and security. CyberSource supports an extensive list of payment cards and offers a wide choice of gateways and acquiring banks, all through one connection. We have an expert team that manages questions specific to CyberSource. Please reach out to the CyberSource team directly using the phone number provided below.
CyberSource Overview -
CyberSource Documentation -
CyberSource Support - 800-709-7779




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Regular Visitor

Re: Recommend me the right api for my business.

Thanks Diana, you are too good. are you developer there?










Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Recommend me the right api for my business.

Hey @rlaxmi,


I provide developer support for the VDP platform. Thank you for your kind words and letting us know my assistance to you is helpful!




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Regular Visitor

Re: Recommend me the right api for my business.

Hey , I have a similar issue . I am still confused about it.

Visa Developer Support Specialist

Re: Recommend me the right api for my business.

Hey @Nona,


Can you please let me know what you are confused about, what questions you have for us and how I can help you? 




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