We’re excited to announce changes in our discussion board categories to help you find answers to your questions quicker.

Changes include more categories, specific to various stages of your journey with testing APIs. Using a board-specific search will refine your results to include related questions and answers within that board only. This is a great way to narrow results by your support needs.
What are the New Categories?
- Getting Started & Account Management
- Use this board for questions or posts pertaining to setting up a new Visa Developer project, i.e. account creation, resetting passwords, obtaining credentials, access to restricted products, etc.
- Sandbox & Test Data
- Use this board for Issues with downtime/availability of the sandbox environment, insufficient data for certain test cases, integration testing of multiple products, etc.
- Connection & Security Errors
- Use this board to get guidance for invalid input, failed connections to sandbox, roadblocks using Two-Way SSL/X-Pay Token/MLE, HTTP 4xx/certificate/KeyStore errors, etc.
- Product Docs & Reference Data
- Post requests for Product/API reference materials, clarification about BIN and Merchant codes, contact information for non-VDP teams (Visa Direct, CyberSource), etc.
- Implementation Support
- Get clarification about API request/response, SDK compatibility with various platforms, PCI compliance, sample code, workflow pre/post conditions, etc.
- Community Chatter
- This is a place where you can learn your way around the Visa Dev Community, introduce yourself, meet fellow devs and find out new opportunities to engage with us.
- Use-Cases
- Ask questions wherein you highlight use cases and seek guidance about which products/APIs would meet their needs
- Go Live & Pricing
- Use this board for queries about product fee schedule/discounts, contract terms, project promotion, commercialization timeline, production support SLA’s, etc.
What if I can’t find the answer I am looking for? Ask the Community by posting a new topic! Chances are high that other Visa Developers have similar questions, answers, or insight.
Explore the new categories. We’re here to help, all you need to join the conversation is a Visa Developer Community profile.