This month our spotlight goes to @swaritsharma! Swarit joined the Visa Dev Community in July 2019, exploring with Visa Direct for P2P and cardless merchant payments for an app. He’s hit the ground running by not only seeking help, but helping newbies to community with troubleshooting tips.

Get to know Swarit and leave him a comment or kudo below.
Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself, where are you from and what are you currently working on?
A: I am from India and currently living in Hyderabad. I work in R&D division and develop prototype for applications before they move into production. So, mainly it involves playing around with different technologies to solve a particular problem. At present I am working on a project involved with developing facial recognition system which could be deployed on low compute IoT edge devices with a possibility to integrate with digital payments apps.
Q: What interested you in the Visa Developer Center?
A: I was exploring possibilities with Visa Direct for P2P and card-less merchant payments for an app (AutoCard). Now we are working to find use cases for Visa Checkout & other payment methods.
Q: If you were an API, what would you be? Why? 🙂
A: I’d definitely be geek jokes API. Request a joke and it won’t be found.
Q: What do you love most about coding?
A: I love how easily you can express an idea in few lines of elegant code & solve complex real world problems. And paint the editors with lines of code just like what Bob Ross used to do on the canvas #thejoyofcoding.
Q: What was the first thing you built with code?
A: Nothing too complex just good old school Tic-Tac-Toe game with Java.
Q: What’s the most exciting thing about being a developer in the payments industry for you?
A: The extent to which an innovation in digital payments disrupts the entire industry. And to witness it first hand and being able to contribute to that change excites me the most. Just like mobile payments has done in past few years.
Q: Any tips for developers exploring payments?
A: Keep yourself updated with the technologies involved with different payment channels(RTP, unified platforms like Visa, Blockchain etc.)
Q: What has it been like working with Visa Developer so far? What have you learned?
A: It’s been a great learning experience specially being involved with the community helped a lot when I started with the platform. And I’ve developed deeper understanding of how mobile payments work.
Q: Anything else you want to share about yourself?
A: Well, I enjoy a good cup of coffee, some jazz and football.
Every month we will feature Visa Dev Community members who are active on our forums and blogs. Want to be featured? Start by giving this blog a kudo or comment. The more you are active, the better your chances of being the next user of the month!