Learn about our API pricing framework and how to go-live. We now have frameworks and guides to help you understand two very important topics: pricing and contracts

Visa Developer Pricing
You asked for more clarity on pricing for the Visa Developer Platform, and we listened.
Pricing for Visa Developer Platform aims to charge our clients at the point where the capability provides value, for example, during a transaction, per API call, for a subscription, etc. Given the sheer variety of capabilities on our platform servicing multiple clients (issuers, processors, merchants, acquirers, FinTechs, independent developers, etc.), the pricing model is determined after examining the specific use case at hand.
While every project will be unique, we’ve created a basic framework to help you better understand which capabilities are free, carry a one-time cost, or is priced per transaction or subscription.
Learn the Pricing Framework here
Commercialization (aka go-live)
You say go-live, we say commercialization.
Developers can initiate their journey to go live by either engaging with their Visa representative or submitting a Project Promotion request (for their Sandbox project) through our Visa Developer Portal. The first phase of the Go-Live process, which we refer to as “Commercialization”, entails executing contractual terms that govern the pricing and licensing of Visa Developer Platform (VDP) APIs.
We have standardized and simplified our contract structure to work across all eligible VDP capabilities to include only the three key elements and have made this available to you.
Check out our documentation for more.
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