This month, our spotlight goes to @banregiolabs which isn't just one user, but a team of devs working at BanregioLabs, in Mexico. Congrats for being May's Visa Dev User of Month. Special shout out to Arturo Ivan Martinez and Eduardo Salaza Gutierrez.
Q. Tell us a little bit about who you are, where are you from and what are you currently working on?
A. We are Banregiolabs, the innovation team from Banregio, a financial institution on México. We are working with eCommerce payment gateways and POS solutions, to mention some projects.
Q. If you were an API, what would you be? Why?
A. Maybe we would be the Visa Card Eligibility. Because, we want to make smarter offers to our customers.
Q. What do you love most about coding?
A. The possibility to create solutions to complex problems and make better experience for people.
Q. What was the first thing you built with code?
A. Simplicity, lean, success.
Q. What’s the most exciting thing about being a developer in the payments industry for you?
A. Create better solutions to the actual needs, like protect customers in prevention of fraud, digital payments, and offers and promotions.
Q. Any tips for developers?
A. Be aware of new frameworks, new services and make team with brilliant people.
Q. What brought you to the Visa Developer Center for the first time?
A. Explore the services to our cardholders.
Q. Did you leave the Visa Dev Community feeling like less of a Newbie, and if so, why? What did you learn?
A. We learned about the use of a pair of APIs.
Q. How was your experience with the Visa APIs?
A. At this time, good, we need to solve some points to make a final release of our projects.

Every month we will feature Visa Dev Community members who are active on our forums and blogs. Want to be featured? Start by giving this blog a kudo or comment. The more you are active, the better your chances of being the next user of the month!