He goes by @dragthor on the Visa Dev Community. Real name is Kris Krause and he's this month's Visa Dev User of the Month.
Q: Tell us a bit about yourself, where do you work?
A: I am a developer at Bare Necessities working on our eCommerce platform.
Q: If you were an API, what would you be? Why?
A: Stateless, fast, secure and well documented. Sorry, nothing witty to say. 3rd party API integration can be frustrating
Q: What do you love most about coding?
A: 1) Solving problems and discussing possible solutions with co-workers. 2) Actual people using my code. 3) Reading people's thoughtful code
Q: What were your thoughts about Visa as a tech company before you ever began working with their APIs?
A: Honestly, I never really thought much beyond "transaction fee collector." But in reality, Visa has lots of helpful APIs.
Q: What's the most exciting thing about being a developer in the payment industry for you?
A: Tokenization and PCI compliance. Also lots wallets, devices and transactions.
Q: What brought you to the Visa Developer Center and what was your experience like?
A: I had some questions regarding Visa Checkout API on the CyberSource platform. I was able to learn about it reading Visa's documentation and using the forum which provided plenty of support.
Q; Any tips for developers?
A: Don't skimp testing!

Every month we will feature Visa Dev Community members who are active on our forums and blogs. Want to be featured? Start by giving this blog a kudo or comment - the more you are active the better your chances of being the user of the month!