Hello,I'm encountering an error when attempting to use the Visa API with Two-Way SSL. Below are the error details: {"responseStatus": {"status": 400,"code": "9125","severity": "ERROR","message":...
Actualmente estoy intentando realizar pruebas de conexión para el endpoint "https://sandbox.api.visa.com/vdp/helloworld?apikey=XXXX", sin embargo tengo problemas referentes al token, el cual no puede...
Hi there I am implementing the VMSS API and have everything working in our sandbox environment.I am just looking for more clarity on the field:tradeOverInternetrequired booleanDefault: false...
We have configured the mVISA UAT to connect to Sandbox. When we performed merchant push payment, we got VIC Response with HTTP 200 and X-APP_Status 200But VIC Response doesnt contain JSON&nb...