Hi, I have a question regarding the Error code response format. Each service comes with an OpenApi specification for errors but in some edge cases, a more general error might occur. I am thinking...
Hi I am trying to test mutual ssl connection with hello world example in the sandbox provision and I am getting a 401 with incorrect credentials. I used the auto-generate csr option and followed the e...
I am having trouble adding the path our test server "Domain and Path" in Outbound Configuration menu.Our DOMAIN is https://visadirecttest.peple.com.tr and we will use "v3/payouts/g...
Hello, we want to know what API we should use to implement purchases by visa card in my Telegram Bot shop. We want it to be like message which contains customers card number, expiration date, cvv. The...
I can not found any shared Credentials in my project. when I create the visa-in-app project step by step , then select " API KEY - Shared Secret (X-Pay-Token) " as Authentication Method ,...