Hello, I am following this document to generate JKS store file, using KeyTool.The commands I am usingkeytool -import -alias DigiCertGlobalCA -keystore visa-integration_keyAndCertBundle.jks -file...
I am unable to create a project with the API "VisaNet Connect - Issuing". I am getting the error: "We encountered an expected error. Please try again."Here is the screenshot.Please let me know if I’m...
I am using Visa In-App Provisioning to obtain an OPC (Opaque Payment Card) for Google Pay. The OPC object I receive is as follows (Sandbox😞{ "paymentAccountReference": "V12345678901245142312744591...
Hello Team,
we are making tests with Visa Alias Directory service API
Actually All apis call (GET & POST) based on two-way ssl authentication works correctly on local dev environment but on...