Hello! i'm currently trying to execute the visa code checkout but i'm having hard times understanding the fields within the config.cng.# Section 1: API Authentication# Sub-Section 1a: For Two-way mut...
Hello! i'm trying to execute the Universal Card Enrollment to get the vcardID but i'm having this error:{"errorResponse":{"status":400,"reason":"invalidParameterEncCard","message":"Invalid input param...
Hello! i'm testing the API https://sandbox.api.visa.com/inapp/provisioning/cardData/googlePay and based on the documentation there's a field in the request body called token service provider that...
Hey every body.In Visa card Eligibility(VCES) API there's a big topic called "Vendor Unique ID (VUID)"but there is no enough explanation about how to generate the eligibility criteria for the pro...