Hello I am integrating to the cybersopurce payments api I have successfully managed to generate the x-pay token however when performing the POST request an error 502 is experienced"{\"submitTimeUtc\":...
Olánão estou conseguindo Adiconar Novo Projeto no meu paine de controle. O Botão de seleao ao final do formuláro onde se escolhe as API's a serem utilizadas não dá opção para slecionar e criar projeto...
Can someone help me find out where i enter Merchant's receiver Card details for cybersourceav gone through the parameters but cant see the receiver Card Detailsi dont know if am at the right forum or...
Hello Guys, I keep getting the error The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. when i try call the service. however it works fine when i call the service using soupUI. I a...