Hello,I'm trying to prepare test cases for card validation API. When I use this request:{"cardCvv2Value": "227","cardExpiryDate": "2020-10","primaryAccountNumber": "4957030420210488"}It returns with s...
I tried calling the VisaCheckout with dataLevel = FULL like below:function onVisaCheckoutReady() {V.init({apikey: "....",settings: {dataLevel:"FULL"},}); But then I got the following in the respo...
I want to get all the info in the Consumer payload via GetPaymentInfo api call, including full credit card number and not just the last four digits. How can I use dataLevel=FULL in the query parameter...
Can I use Visa Checkout just to get the Consumer payload. Is the UpdatePaymentInfo api call mandatory at the end after our payment gateway processes the payment?The reason, I am asking is because afte...