The Android Application Payment Using Visa Gateway Then occupied errorThe Error is Message "Invalid Api key or merchant info" and Error Code ="1"How to Solve This Error Please Help me...
Hi Visa Developers !!what value should I put in App.config file for certPassword. It says "put your p12 file password here" . Where can find this passrod, in the key file or its just the name of the k...
Hi, I am new to the visa developer program. I need to get Active CAMS Alerts into my program. My application is in .net MVC. While going to through API reference, looks like I could use Transacti...
As I can see, in the visa checkout documentations we can pass an externalClientID to transfer the payments to specified merchant(externalClientID).Also in the Visa Chekout API Explorer, I can see that...
I am building an application that processes transactions with the Visa Direct API. Can I enroll PANs in the Visa Token Service and use those tokens with the Visa Direct API or does the Visa Dire...