Hi, I'm just starting out with the API. Thanks for the excellent resources and documentation. I noticed that the attribute `communitCode` is critical to some of the API, yet I've been unable to l...
Hi everybody, Anyone knows how to get the payment status? If the payment was approved or declined by the card brand?Actually, i'm a little clueless of how to proced.In my code, first I get the re...
Hi I'm using "SearchMerchantByAttribute" service in .net to Onboard the merchant as thats the first step to get merchant detail to onbord them. Sometimes the service return the result and so...
Generate the `KEY` as the Cybersource Flex API docs. -NODEJS- Applicaitonxpay-token and now getting this below error for Tokenize CARD request "responseStatus": {
"status": 403,...
Hi Trying to use the Cybersource Flex API . NODE-JS applicaiton Generated the x-pay-token and got the key back. Encrypted the card number with the returned public key . But getting this err...